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Chương 1: Reincarnated

The sound of rain reverberated throughout the surroundings, small droplets fell onto the muddy ground as birds sought shelter in the tree canopies. It was a day heavy with sorrow, a day that could only be seen when a loved one passes away.

The somber weather enveloped by the impending storm brought to life a scene not entirely uncommon. A woman carrying a basket with a newborn baby appeared in front of an institution. She gently placed the basket at the door and left a letter on the child's lap.

The letter contained some sentimental words, irrelevant for the moment. She then knocked thrice on the door and hurried away.

A woman in her sixties opened the door and found the little crying child. She wore a somewhat displeased expression but soon brought the child inside.

"We've got another addition, John," she said, observing a man in the kitchen preparing a pot of meat and vegetable soup. The man smiled and glanced at the child, clearly a boy of a few weeks old, perhaps not even a month.

"Another one, huh?" He chuckled and called out, "Food's on the table, kids!" His shout echoed all around as he placed the large pot on the table.

Soon, about six children appeared, aged between 4 and 8... varied in skin tone, height, and facial features. It was clearly a meager orphanage, yet very loving and cozy.

The baby, on the other hand, was confused.

"What happened to me?!" He inwardly questioned as he observed the scene from the elder woman's embrace, holding him tightly.

"It can't be, I was buying a video game just a few minutes ago at Walmart! What kind of dream is this?" He screamed inwardly while looking at his tiny hands.

"A baby?!" He lamented as he struggled in the old woman's arms. "Let me go, old lady!" But the woman didn't release her hold; despite being old, she had considerable strength.

"Oh! Looks like this little one doesn't like being held. John, could you warm up some milk for him, please?" She said, attempting to soothe him. "Your food is coming, little one," she added with a gentle smile.

"It'll be ready in a moment!" He replied and returned to the kitchen.

Margaret took the newborn directly to the second floor, wrapping him in a blanket and placing him in an old, small crib, probably once used by one of the orphans. She looked at the child with pity in her eyes and then retrieved a kind of cellphone different from what he was accustomed to.

"Is that a cellphone?! At least I haven't been reincarnated in the past. What year could it be? 2020? 2024? Oh! Thank you, almighty lord, for reviving me in the modern era!" He praised whatever deity might have brought him back, but he couldn't be more wrong.

"Hello, may I speak with Lady Scarlet?" The woman said on the phone. "It's a matter of extreme urgency, tell her that Margaret has found what she was looking for."

The child, on the other hand, was misunderstanding something. The lady who seemed sweet before now appeared somewhat scary from his perspective. She looked at him with greedy eyes, and suddenly he felt a chill down his spine and began to cry.

"Hey, calm down, I'll find you a home," the woman replied, wearing a long smile on her face.

Katanexy Katanexy

Hey, remember to use your PowerStones and GoldenTickets to boost this novel! This helps me a lot! <3


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