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Chương 12: Chapter 12, New Food_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

The little cub lifted its round, black grape-like eyes in puzzlement at Ji Nuan, even showing a hint of aggrievement in its gaze.

It seemed to be asking: Why won't sister feed me meat and then block my ears? Little cub suffers in silence, little cub doesn't speak out.

Ji Nuan's heart melted at the sight, and she couldn't help but stroke Little Silver Wolf's smooth fur.

Little cub closed its eyes in contentment, its soft tongue flickering out to lick its damp snout.

The soft pads of its feet unconsciously stretched out on Ji Nuan's arm, and it even gave a tiny yawn stretch, looking utterly content.

From not far away, Xiu Ming watched his offspring's behavior, unable to bear to look directly at it.

A powerful Silver Wolf Clan, even a cub shouldn't be so shameless, acting cute and flattering towards a female cub.

He completely forgot about the times when he acted cute and begged for stroking in front of his mate, doesn't it hurt his face?

Looking painfully at the dirty Giggle Beast meat on the ground, Ji Nuan also grew somewhat angry.

"Sister Manli, whether you and Brother Xiu Yan form a bond has nothing to do with me. I just sincerely appreciate the help Brother Xiu Yan gave me.

Also, I already sent a Giggle Beast to Grandma Shaman, Uncle Bai and Grandma Shaman have both eaten it. If you don't believe me, go ask Grandma Shaman.

With food being so scarce, many of the creatures in the tribe are starving. But you waste food for your selfishness. The Beast God will punish you."

On hearing the punishment of the Beast God, all the Orcs grew serious.

Because survival was difficult, food was extremely important on the Orc Continent, they viewed every harvest as a blessing from the Beast God, so wasting food received severe punishment.

Manli's sturdy figure shook slightly, her eyes revealing a hint of panic.

If the Giggle Beast was truly edible, then she would have wasted food given by the Beast God in front of everyone in the tribe.

Even ignorance would result in punishment of several days without food.

Her thick lips trembled, she tried to calm herself and puffed up her chest.

She glared fierce;y at the petite and thin Ji Nuan in the distance, "The Shaman and Uncle Bai are not here. Whether the Giggle Beast is edible or not is your word, why should we believe you?"

"Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter to me. I just want to tell everyone in the tribe that the Giggle Beast is edible.

Everyone's going hungry every day, and winter's coming. More food means we might be able to save a few more of our own."

Ji Nuan looked up, her clear and bright eyes making it impossible for people not to trust her.

"Well said!" A deep and authoritative voice rang out.

The Orcs respectfully made way.

The thin, hunched figure leaning on a wooden stick slowly walked into the middle of the circle. "Uncle Bai and I have eaten the Giggle Beast. It is edible."

"We used to eat it directly without removing the fur, which was wrong, and that's why we got sick.

We should be thanking Shan for finding the food, instead of blaming her."

"Our current food was obtained by our ancestors risking their lives. Without the attempts of our ancestors, how would we know which foods we can eat and which we can't?

Every creature discovering new food is a warrior of our tribe!"

The words of the old Shaman resounded like thunder among the Orcs. There was now one more food source for winter, one more chance for some to survive.

"Oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh!" The Orcs suddenly raised their strong arms, singing a robust and heroic tune that mingled with the faint whimpers and tears of the females.

Ji Nuan looked around in puzzlement to see several massive Orcs crying pitifully.

Crying and laughing, it was truly a mixed feeling.

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