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Chương 34: Chapter 31: Confronting the Trickster

"Not a very funny joke for a clown," Raymond remarked, shaking his head.

Hisoka's so-called 'partner' had manipulated him into being a distraction, immediately thinking of slipping away the moment Illumi caught sight of him behind Raymond.


Yet, Hisoka's thoughts then drifted to Illumi's condition earlier, and his body trembled even more intensely.

"Does that mean he's strong enough to pose a serious threat to a Zoldyck of Illumi's caliber?" Hisoka's gaze locked onto Raymond, his muscles tensing with excitement.


Raymond smoothly sidestepped a tree hurtling towards him, spotting Hisoka's Bungee Gum attached to it.

But it was just a distraction as Hisoka suddenly materialized by his side and launched a punch.

Raymond swiftly dodged, closing the distance between them.

Hisoka's eyes widened as Raymond's fist came at him, prompting him to throw up his arm to block.

Though he managed to deflect the blow, the force of it sent Hisoka crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

Grimacing, he quickly leaped back to his feet, brushing off the impact as if it were nothing.

"Ah, delightful pain..." Hisoka muttered, excitement dancing in his eyes as he felt his arm numbed from the impact.

"...This is going to be quite annoying."

Meanwhile, Raymond frowned as he realized that Hisoka was much tougher than Illumi.

That punch would have likely broken Illumi's arms if he had blocked it the same way.

Thinking back on Hisoka's abilities from his knowledge and the information his subordinates had gathered on notable individuals, Raymond knew it would be challenging to defeat Hisoka without exposing his full strength.

"Hmm, I need to come up with a way to take down someone like him without revealing everything," Raymond muttered to himself, sighing.

He was still cautious, knowing that other hunters from the Hunter Association were nearby.

Revealing his full capabilities prematurely was not something he wanted to risk.

"Then, what should I do with you?"

Raymond's eyes gleamed as he pondered his next move, recalling the information he had received prior to the Hunter Exam.

But then his expression darkened as he noticed a flurry of cards coated with Nen heading his way.

He quickly dodged them, leaping backward to evade the attack.

"Ah, this is it! Such an excitement!"

Hisoka shouted excitedly, seizing the chance to dash towards Raymond with a crazed look in his eyes.

Hisoka unleashed a powerful whirlwind kick aimed at Raymond's abdomen while Raymond countered with a swift kick of his own.

A look of surprise flashed across Hisoka's eyes as he felt his bones creaking under the force of Raymond's blow.


But Hisoka wasn't finished yet. The card he had launched earlier streaked through the air towards Raymond with incredible speed, blurring in its trajectory.

Hisoka seized Raymond's leg, locking him in place and leaving him vulnerable to the incoming attack.

Considering the cards' speed and his lack of preparation, Hisoka knew that trying to catch them barehanded would come at a costly price.

"You've learned from your mistakes, haven't you?"

Raymond remarked, noting that the cards were attached to Hisoka's own body. The attack wasn't aimed at him at all but at Hisoka himself!


Suddenly, Hisoka felt a surge of alarm as Raymond's eyes glowed once more.

In his perspective, a vivid crimson hue enveloped everything, reflecting the color of his gaze.

In this surreal moment, time itself seemed to bow to Raymond's will, slowing down to a crawl as his thought process accelerated and heightened his perceptions!

This allowed him to perceive the minutest details clearly.

With hands infused with his Nen, Raymond swiftly seized the incoming cards.

Each one gripped firmly as a surge of Nen erupted from his arms.

His aura devoured Hisoka's Bungee Gum, allowing him to swiftly swat away the remaining cards that he couldn't catch.

They sliced through the trees with precision as they veered off course.

All of this unfolded within mere milliseconds as Hisoka, sensing the danger, quickly released his hold and attempted to put some distance between himself and Raymond.


A shiver ran down Hisoka's spine as he found himself locked in the piercing gaze of Raymond's glowing crimson eyes.

In an instant, Raymond closed the distance between them, his face looming ominously close to Hisoka's.

Suddenly, Hisoka felt a searing pain as both of his arms were torn away in a blur of movement.

Raymond had turned Hisoka's own card against him with shocking precision.


With a forceful kick to his chest, Hisoka was sent hurtling toward the same crater he had been in moments before, landing with a resounding boom.

The impact created a gaping hole in the ground, the dust settling as Raymond landed on the ground with a heavy thud while Hisoka's severed arms fell limply to his sides.


Hisoka grunted in pain, blood spewing from his mouth as he assessed his now armless body. With a grimace, he tightened his muscles in an attempt to stem the bleeding.

Raymond closed in on Hisoka, his movements deliberate.

Placing a foot firmly on Hisoka's chest to immobilize him, Raymond held Hisoka's severed arms in one hand while idly twirling a card in the other.

A crazed laugh bubbled from the clown's lips as he looked up at the mesmerizing crimson eyes that seemed to be utterly looking down on him.

"Were you holding back against Illumi?"

"That's none of your business..."

Raymond knew Hisoka was stronger than Illumi, considering the way his strength almost rivaled his own.

More importantly, Hisoka's ability to swiftly provoke Raymond into using his eyes was enough proof.


Hisoka's laughter echoed, filling the air with a sense of madness. Raymond's crimson eyes shimmered as he gazed at Hisoka's disheveled form.

"You seem to have some plan with him. Care to share?"

Hisoka's smile widened as he spoke, as if his battered appearance didn't bother him

"You've got a few screws loose up there," Raymond remarked, his brow furrowing as he regarded Hisoka with a mix of disdain and pity.

"But I won't end you here. Take it as a favor you need to pay in the future..."

With a swift motion, Raymond hurled one of Hisoka's arms, sending it soaring across the island.

He repeated the action with Hisoka's other arm in the opposite direction.

Then, with precision, Raymond swung the card in his hand, severing Hisoka's legs and leaving him helpless and incapacitated.

"I know you've put your Nen into those limbs. Survive if you can. And when the time comes..."


"Don't ask questions. Just do as you're told..."

Raymond tossed Hisoka's legs away in a completely different direction compared to both of Hisoka's arms.

"What if I refuse?" 

Raymond's expression remained stoic, "It won't change anything. I'll get what I want, with or without your help."


With that, Raymond turned and walked away, leaving behind the sound of Hisoka's maniacal laughter.


Follow me on Twi-tter (X): @mythoast

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