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Chương 6: CHAPTER-5

Charlie was in a daze, gazing at his face.

Raizel asked him, "Sir, is there something on my face?" feeling awkward from his stare.

Charlie replied, "No, no, no, there's nothing on your face, but your face is beautiful." He said, feeling ashamed and continuing to look at him.

Raizel said with a smile, "Thank you, sir. Do you need a ride? I see that your car isn't working." He looked behind him at Charlie's car.

Charlie asked, "Yes, can you give me a ride to the station if you're going in that direction?" He observed Raizel and his car, thinking he must be a wealthy kid.

Raizel responded, "Sure, sir. I was actually on my way to Forks High School. Today is my first day." He opened the car door for Charlie.

Charlie joked, "So you're a student, do you have a license? If not, you'll have to pay a fine." He entered the car and sat down, still looking at Raizel.

Raizel replied, "Of course, sir. I have one." He showed his license to Charlie.

Charlie remarked, "Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, what a cool and long name you have." He handed back the license.

Raizel said, "Thank you, sir," putting his license back in his pocket.

Charlie introduced himself, "Well, my name is Charlie Swan. I'm the Chief of Police."

Raizel asked, "So you're Charlie Swan, the protector of Forks town?"

Charlie questioned, "Well, yes. Have you heard of me?"

Raizel casually replied, "Yeah, from the townspeople."

After some chit-chat, Charlie informed Raizel about Bella, mentioning that she also attends Forks High School, along with other things about himself.

Charlie thought to himself, *Sitting with him is nice and stress-free*.

After dropping Charlie off at the police station, Raizel headed towards his school.

In the school parking lot, Bella stood with her friends Jessica Stanley, Angela Weber, Mike Newton, and Eric Yorkie.

Eric said to his friend, "Hey, did you know there will be a new student at our school today?" He occasionally glanced at Bella.

Jessica asked, "Really? Is the student a boy or a girl?"

Eric replied, "He's a boy."

Jessica pondered, "Will he be handsome or not?"

Angela chimed in, "Oh, come on Jessica."

Mike said, "Well, we'll find out soon enough."

Bella stated, "Well, it's time for class. Let's go," with her usual expressionless face.

As they prepared to head to class, they heard the loud noise of a car revving, "vroom vroom." They looked towards the noise and saw a white sports car with blue accents entering through the gate.

Mike exclaimed, "Wow," being the only sound that escaped his mouth.

Eric said, "What a car," as he snapped photos with his camera.

Bella and the others stood in awe, staring at the car.

Meanwhile, Raizel felt nervous as everyone gazed at him. He parked his car next to Bella's truck, his eyes falling upon Bella and her group of friends.

Jessica exclaimed, "Is this the new student? I can't wait to see him. He looks rich," enthusiastically.

Angela confirmed, "Yes, he is."

Bella simply looked at the car, deciding to check out the new student and wondering what he would look like. *Would he be as handsome as Edward?* she thought.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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