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Blaze Deception: A Villain in a Hero's Disguise Blaze Deception: A Villain in a Hero's Disguise original

Blaze Deception: A Villain in a Hero's Disguise

Tác giả: Air_Ace

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

Flames swirled and danced voraciously, their fiery tendrils licking at the night sky. An acrid smell filled the air, assaulting my senses as the fire engulfed the mansion before me.

The surroundings were painted in hues of crimson and orange, a stark contrast to the darkness of the night.

I watched, transfixed, as glowing embers floated skyward, like fiery confetti scattered by the destructive force of the blaze.

The heat radiated from the burning structure, enveloping everything in its grasp. Searing heat clung to my skin, forming beads of sweat that trickled down my brow.

It's too hot even at this distance, so what about them who were trapped inside?

As I heard their cries of agony,

I smirked and felt delighted.

They deserve it! that's what's on my mind.

As I step closer to the burning mansion in front of me.

Damn ! It's too hot!

Can I handle it?

Should I just let them be burned there?

I suddenly feel conflicted and want to change my plan.

But hell no!

It is just the start!

I must make them pay!

Make them feel hell while alive!

Being driven by my strong hatred I pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Well, I know which way to go and how to save those people.

I just don't want to suffer injuries.

Cause yeah, I'm the arsonist behind.

I'm the one who set the fire!

I carefully planned which places to cause a fire, and what doors to be blocked for them to be unable to escape.

So of course, I also planned which way I could enter and save them without them being suspicious about it.

I planned to be the hero in front of them though I'm the villain behind.

This is how I want them to know about my existence.

This is my grand entrance towards revenge.

Fire versus fire!

I will not let a single person escape free from my revenge.

This is the start!

Air_Ace Air_Ace

Join me in my journey.

This is my entry for the 2024 WSA.

Hoping for your support.

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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