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Chương 23: Face Off!

As Dick gazed at the griffon cub before him, a surge of nervous energy washed over him. He had just narrowly escaped a treacherous tunnel, emerging through a mountain peak, only to find himself face-to-face with this unexpected encounter.

"Why am I so unlucky?" Dick pondered, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He found himself in a vast cave perched high on a steep cliff. The cave was stark, devoid of any other confusing pathways, save for the small tunnel he had traveled through, leading back to the giant tree forest.

The tunnel had become increasingly constricted as he journeyed through it. With his diminutive goblin stature, Dick had barely managed to squeeze through. This fact reassured him that no pursuers could follow. It seemed, for the moment, he was safe from any threats from behind.

Yet, Dick hadn't anticipated stumbling directly into the dwelling of a griffon cub. The creature lay there, sleeping soundly, oblivious to the goblin's presence in its home.

"No, I must escape immediately," Dick thought to himself, his heart pounding. He contemplated retracing his steps back through the tunnel. But then, the realization hit him – going back meant risking capture by Lily and her group. He couldn't risk it.

Staying in the natural cliff cave seemed the safest option. To claim it as his own, though, meant confronting the current occupant...

Dick's eyes narrowed, a fierce and icy determination replacing his initial nervousness. He studied the sleeping griffon cub, estimating its size and strength. "This griffon must be at least F+ level, possibly even E- or E+," he concluded. Normally, he would avoid such a formidable creature, but the circumstances were different now.

He had the advantage of surprise.

The cub lay there, a testament to the safety of its home, guarded by a powerful mother griffon. It had grown complacent, losing its wild instincts, unaware of the danger that had just invaded its sanctuary.

Dick was resolved not to show mercy.

His goblin face, a dark green and grotesque visage, appeared even more menacing in the dim light of the cave. He glanced at his injured right leg and felt the gnawing hunger in his belly. There was no turning back now. This was the moment to test his strength.

Without hesitation, Dick focused on the oblivious griffon, still lost in slumber. Silently, he invoked the skill 'Plant Growth'. Instantly, thorny vines sprang up, encircling the cub.

He then summoned two goblin imps.

"Jie Jie Jie!" they cackled softly.

"Quiet!" Dick hissed. "You two, approach the griffon. One of you target its eyes, the other head for its rear. When the moment is right, strike hard and aim to kill."

"Remember, wait for my signal before you attack."

"Jie Jie Jie~" they replied in unison, their thin bodies deftly maneuvering towards the griffon, unnoticed.

Dick watched, holding his breath, as they positioned themselves. His face was a mask of concentration, his eyes fixed on the griffon.

The time to strike had come.

In a flash, a multitude of thick vines erupted from the earth, entwining the griffon's body in a relentless embrace. The pressure was immense, awakening the beast from its slumber with a jolt of agonizing pain.

As its eyes flickered open, a chilling, malicious laughter filled the air. "Jie Jie Jie!" Before the griffon could even survey its surroundings, darkness enveloped its vision. A sudden, sharp pain tore through its body, a sensation of being ripped apart from within.

In less than a heartbeat, the griffon was engulfed in an excruciating pain so profound that it couldn't muster a scream. Its life force ebbed away rapidly, its once mighty form growing feeble. The cries that once could have summoned help now faded into feeble whimpers, leaving the griffon isolated in its final moments.

Thus, the E-class griffon cub met its demise under Dick's cunning plan, silenced before it could even call for aid.

[You have slain the E-level griffon cub and gained 200 evolution points.]

[Evolution Points: 1390/1600 (acquired through hunting creatures)]

"Huh..." Dick muttered, eyeing the system prompts and the massive griffon lying motionless, an imposing hill of feathers and flesh. The success of his ambush had taken even him by surprise.

He knew the risks; had the griffon cried out before its death, it would have stirred the entire Lion Mountain Range. Numerous griffons would have converged in response, possibly even the formidable B-level griffon that ruled these lands. Such a scenario would have spelled certain doom for Dick.

But fortune favored him. His stealthy assault ensured the griffon's silent demise, void of any death cry.

Dick gazed at the radiant fluorescent green orb of life in his hand, a satisfied glint in his eye. The little goblins, emerging from the griffon's carcass, seemed drawn to the energy pulsating from the orb, greedily eyeing their share.

"Death!" Dick declared without a hint of remorse, punishing the insubordination of his minions with a swift 'Plant Growth'. The goblin who had strayed too close was also mercilessly dispatched.

"This life energy should heal my injuries," he mused. His right leg throbbed painfully, threatening to succumb to paralysis. Without hesitation, Dick consumed the fluorescent green orb, feeling the rich life force of the E-level monster griffon surge through him.

Instantaneously, his injuries mended, and the excess life energy coursed wildly through his veins. Dick felt his body begin to transform, his stature shifting from short and frail to robust and healthy. He had grown to about 1.5 meters and now weighed over 60 kilograms. While still childlike in human terms, he had become a formidable adult in goblin standards.

"Huh..." he exhaled, feeling his newfound strength and vitality. Dick, now a more powerful goblin shaman, was no longer frail and weak.

With his wounds healed, he used 'Plant Growth' again, this time to conjure a wall of thorny trees, sealing the cave's entrance from prying eyes. The death of the cave's griffon cub marked the beginning of a new era – the construction of his sanctuary.

Dick planned to conceal the cave completely, making it invisible to the outside world. He had a strategy in mind.

Now in his revitalized form, Dick could summon four goblin imps simultaneously. "Jie Jie Jie!" he cackled.

"You, begin the work. Dig new tunnels, create caverns, and camouflage the green tree walls with earth to blend them into the cliffside."

After issuing the command, Dick feasted on the remnants of the Griffon meat, satisfying his hunger. Exhausted from the long ordeal, he finally succumbed to sleep, his first rest in what felt like an eternity.

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    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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