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Chương 10: Chapter 10: Dance of Shadows

The U.A. cafeteria buzzed with the usual midday energy as Class 1-A settled into their respective lunchtime rituals. Kirishima, Denki, and Kazuki found a spot together, trays in hand, ready to enjoy a moment of respite from hero training.

Laughter and conversation filled the air as they discussed the day's classes, upcoming assignments, and the unique challenges each of them faced. 

As they savoured their lunches, Kirishima couldn't help but comment, "You know, having lunch with the one that is possibly the next symbol of peace is definitely not what I expected when I enrolled here."

Denki grinned, "Same bro! I thought I would be a loner here..."

Hearing his 2 friends, Kazuki couldn't help but chuckle, appreciating the light-hearted banter. "You guys are overestimating me..." He just said, being humble.

Their conversation flowed seamlessly, the trio forging an unexpected bond amidst the chaos of hero academia. The clatter of trays, the hum of conversation, and the occasional bursts of laughter painted a picture of normalcy in the extraordinary lives of aspiring heroes.

However, the serenity was short-lived. In the middle of their discussion, Kazuki suddenly widened his eyes. This didn't go unnoticed as his 2 friends caught on.

"Is something wrong bro?" The yellow-haired boy asked, looking at his friend with concern before suddenly, Alarms went out and a voice came out of the speakers.


"Warning, Level 3 security breach. All students, please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion" A voice was which caused the students to panic as they stood up in their chairs and rushed out.

"Wha-What happened?!" Ejiro Kirishima asked, surprised clearly heard in his voice as he got pushed and pushed by the wave of students.

"Follow them... I have something to do..." Kazuki said, immediately disappearing into the crowd of students, leaving his 2 friends before they could even talk.

'The protective barrier was activated...' Kazuki thought to himself as he rushed in the opposite direction of the students. 

Looking out a window, he saw a surge of reporters and journalists, armed with cameras and microphones, getting through the U.A. barrier like an invading tide before stopping in front of an orange spherical barrier that suddenly appeared around the campus. 

'How did the press even activate my barrier?' The white-haired sorcerer thought to himself before suddenly, his eyes widened once again...

'Someone managed to get past the barrier... And... It's already inside?!' He thought to himself as he rushed faster to the location where he sensed it...

'Good thing the barrier activated... I wouldn't have sensed this if it didn't...' He thought before speeding up.

After a few more seconds, Kazuki finds himself in front of a room that the intruder is in.

'Information...' He thought as he looked at the room the intruder was in before barging in.

As the white-haired boy entered, he encountered something he didn't expect. A villain covered in dark fog was there. The villain's eyes widened in surprise as the boy appeared before him, an unexpected obstacle in his mission.

"I sensed your intrusion," Kazuki declared, his tone unwavering. "This school may be a training ground for heroes, but it's not a playground for villains. Now, tell me. How did you enter?" Kazuki continued speaking.

The villain, though momentarily taken aback, quickly regained his composure. "You're perceptive... However, your confidence will lead you to your demise." The villain said as the fog surrounding its body started to rush to Kazuki.

"Answer me..." Kazuki said as he performed gestures with his hands, rotating them and doing a circular motion as the fog rushed to him. In just a second, the mist completely enveloped the white-haired boy. 

However, a second later, all the fog was blown away, revealing the white-haired boy without a single scratch. 

"Winds of Watoomb," The white-haired boy said as a gust of wind pushed back the fog that covered him, releasing him from its grasp. Immediately after he got released, he made some gestures once again while the fog-covered villain rushed to him.

"Flames of the Faltine," Kazuki said in a domineering voice before a wave of fire came out of his 2 palms, directly hitting the villain covered in fog.

"Wind and Fire... What an Impressive quirk." The villain's voice was heard amidst the flames, surprising Kazuki as he slowly increased the heat of the flames before the flames vanished.

'No effect?!' Kazuki thought to himself while looking at the villain in shock.

"You will need to do more than that." The villain said as the fog grew again, moving to the white-haired sorcerer.


The room, bathed in the luminous glow of arcane energies, bore witness to a clash as Kazuki Tanaka and the fog villain engaged in a mesmerizing dance. The air itself seemed to pulse with the ebb and flow of their prowess. Kazuki, the one that's closest to being the symbol of peace, faced the living fog, in a confrontation that transcended the boundaries of the physical world.

The white-haired boy, with energy radiating from his body, raised his hands and made some gestures. Within seconds, he cast an attack again that coursed through the room. The winds responded to his command, coalescing into ethereal gusts that swept through the air. Orange chains, also manifested in response to his will, creating a nice attack as the wind blows the mist while the chains move to bind the mist villain.

'The fog seemed to be immune to physical attacks, and flames so I have to remove it first...' Kazuki thought as he unleashed his attack. His eyes ablaze with the luminosity of ancient spells from his past life.

The living mist, a nebulous entity of shadows and secrets, moved with uncanny grace, dodging all the chains even with the wind blowing some of the fog. 

Kazuki, undeterred, conjured a whirlwind of wind magic, sending ethereal gusts swirling around the room. The mystical winds sought to disperse the villain's fog, while chains of orange, materialized once again, encircling Kurogiri like serpentine vipers.

However, like the previous attack, the living fog was not to be easily subdued. With a subtle shift, the fog villain slipped through the gaps between the magical chains. 

'Impressive... Let's see how you face this then...' Seeing this, Kazuki's eyes narrowed in acknowledgment of the villain's adaptability.

As the villain dodged the attack, Kazuki altered his approach. He began to weave intricate patterns in the air, creating a lot of magical constructs. Chains materialized in response to his skilled incantations, each imbued with the essence of wind magic as it moved to the fog villain in all directions.

"Chains of Krakkan," The white-haired boy said.

The room became a battlefield of ethereal creations as Kazuki and the fog villain engaged in a dynamic clash of quirk. The magical chains lashed out with a rhythmic grace, attempting to ensnare the living mist. The villain, however, was not given any opportunity to attack as he was forced to defend against the encroaching chains.

"Oh... Impressive quirk... Wind, Flames, and now, chains?" The villain said, giving his enemy a compliment that Kazuki just ignored.

'I can't continue for long... I'm gonna run out of energy...' Kazuki thought as he continued to create chains in his right hand while he manipulated them in his left.

'If I were to stop though... He would cover me with his fog again and I won't have enough time to dispell it this time...'

'I need to end this...' Kazuki thought.

With a sudden burst of chains, Kazuki fashioned the magical chains into a swirling vortex, a tempest of wind and magic. The vortex, adorned with razor-sharp edges, became a formidable weapon aimed at containing Kurogiri's elusive form. It whirled with an arcane ferocity, threatening to subdue the living mist.

Kurogiri however, still undeterred, responded by shrouding himself in a veil of darkness. But, the magical vortex tore through the obsidian fog, momentarily dispersing it. 

Seeing this, Kazuki immediately seized the opportunity, manipulating all the chains to bind the villain.

As the magical tempest reached its zenith, the room crackled with an otherworldly energy. Kazuki, his eyes ablaze with determination, strengthened the bind.

The villain, however, still not giving up, struggled, releasing more fog. The room dimmed as darkness contended with the luminous winds. 

'How... As long as that chain touches him, he shouldn't be able to use his quirk... Unless... the fog wasn't completely removed...' Kazuki thought, looking at his enemy with burning eyes, admiring his enemy's fast move.

As Kazuki was about to blow the fog away with a mist once again, the fog completely enveloped the villain. Then a voice was heard.

"The dance of shadows never truly ends, Hero. Until we meet again," The villain intoned cryptically.

Before Doctor Strange could react, The fog suddenly grew and grew before dissipating completely, revealing nothing inside.

Doctor Strange, standing amidst the remnants of his magical chains that once bound the villain, was shocked. The room, once a battleground of quirks, fell into an eerie stillness. The aspiring hero, though victorious in keeping himself safe, couldn't shake the lingering sense of an adversary slipping through his grasp.

After a few moments, as the chains also dissipated and returned to Kazuki as energy, he closed his eyes, a profound weariness seeping into his bones. The battle had revealed the strange villain, leaving the Sorcerer Supreme to ponder the enigma that was the living mist. 

'How did he enter through the barrier?'

'How did he leave?'

'How was he immune to the flames?'

This thought lingered in the aspiring hero's mind as he zoned out, focussing on his thoughts. 

As the white-haired boy just stood there, the door suddenly creaked open, and Aizawa, the stoic UA teacher, entered the room with an air of controlled curiosity. His sharp eyes took in the remnants of the battle—faint traces of wind currents, residual fogs, and the subtle hum of lingering energies.

"Brat," Aizawa began, his voice a steady monotone. "Care to explain what just happened here?"

Kazuki turned to face the UA teacher with a serious face, more serious than his usual face, "A villain, a living mist with a quirk that manipulates fogs. He was here and we fought."

Aizawa's eyes narrowed slightly. "Living mist, huh? We've dealt with our fair share of quirks, but this one seems particularly elusive."

Kazuki nodded in response, a sense of gravity in his gaze. "Elusive indeed. His quirk somehow is immune to physical attacks because of the fog and might be able to teleport."

Aizawa crossed his arms, considering the information. "So, what did he want here?"

"That, I'm not sure. His motives remain hidden but it might be for information." Kazuki answered.

The UA teacher sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Another mysterious villain added to the list. We'll have to keep an eye out."

In the wake of the encounter with the villain and the subsequent meeting with Aizawa, Kazuki found himself called to a gathering of UA's teaching staff. The room, typically reserved for academic discussions, now hosted an assembly of heroes and educators. 

Present were Midnight, Cementoss, Present Mic, Ectoplasm, Snipe and more teachers, with only Aizawa, thirteen and the Symbol of Peace missing.

Kazuki, taking the lead, opened the discussion. "I'll be briefing everyone on my recent encounter with the intruder."

After saying so, he stepped forward, a calm authority in his demeanour. "The living mist possesses a quirk that manipulates fogs. His motives remain unclear, but he sought something within UA. Most probably, information."

Cementoss, arms crossed, raised an eyebrow and asked the boy a question. "How did the intruder enter your barrier?"

Kazuki nodded, acknowledging the question before answering "I'm not sure... But he might be able to teleport using his quirk."

Midnight, her gaze penetrating, spoke up. "So, we're dealing with a villain who may be able to teleport?" 

Hearing her words, Kazuki nodded in response, confirming her thoughts before speaking once again. "He also said something about the dance of shadows..." 

As Kazuki said these words, thoughts entered his mind once again. However, in the wake of his thoughts, an unsettling truth lingered—the dance of shadows had only just begun.

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