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Chương 77: Blue Ogre Dorry

(Carmen POV)

It has been a couple months since I was kidna… since I joined completely voluntarily as the chef of the Big Daddy pirates. Yes, that's exactly what happened. No one tricked me into boarding the ship, much less threatened to kill me if I tried to leave, long live Captain Basire.

Right now I'm bringing breakfast to the Captain's private quarters, I have to show how useful I am after all, it's not like I'm absolutely terrified of the Captain thinking that I'm no longer useful or something. ~shudder~

As I'm about to knock on the door I hear some loud slapping noises coming from inside.


What was that?! Is he perhaps torturing someone inside there? No, it can't be, that doesn't sound like the Captain's style, he has Lord Kuro for that type of work after all. That evil butler enjoys doing the Captain's dirty work and always looks at him with admiration in his eyes, even though he tries to kill him so seriously whenever they spar…

~pak pak pak aaaaaah~

That sound just won't stop, let's take a quick look, I I it's not like I'm curious or something, I just have to check that the captain is fine after all, yes that's what I'm doing, I'm absolutely not peeping!

~gulp~ I have to admit this feels quite thrilling.

Oh-my–God! How can she take such a big thing? And wow, is the human supposed to twist like that? She looks like a pretzel, and what is Honey Queen covered in? Is she even alive? Wow, Desire looks like she's really enjoying that pounding though.

What would happen if I interrupted them, what if the Captain catches me? ~heavy breathing~ will he punish me like that as well? Maybe he will tie me like a ham and fill me up like a turkey ~hhhhmmmm~ then he will leave all glazed with his seed like he did with Honey Queen ~aaaaah~.

(Nami POV)

~Lalalalalala laaa lalala𝅘𝅥𝅮~

Ah, this is life, the soft breeze, the sun shining, the orange trees full of life. I really love this island ship we confiscated from those old pirates.

My time in this crew has been great, I don't really like the training, but I know I need to be strong to protect myself from people like Arlong. And the Captain treats me better than most crew members ~ehehehe~ I think he likes me but is too timid to say it.

We have done so many good deeds these past few months, after putting a stop to Krieg's evil ambitions, the crew liberated the Conomi Islands from the evil reign of the Arlong Pirates, then we dealt with that evil Marine, Captain Nezumi. We also liberated Clockwork Island from the Trump Pirates and reformed their cadres by including them into our crew, all those things just in the East Blue.

As soon as we entered the Grand Line we started with our good deeds right away when the Captain helped Laboon by telling Crocus the location of their friend. Well we took our payment by emptying his lighthouse of every single valuable, but that's just a small matter, we deserved it after all ($u$).

Then we liberated Martell Island from those despicable pirates disguised as bounty hunters, yes they must have been evil, otherwise why would they attack us? We're good people after all. We did the same in Bacardi Island, those evil pirates had massacred the poor inhabitants so we avenged them.

Not to mention the countless pirate groups that have attacked us during our travels that we took care of, and I almost forgot when we helped the Drum Kingdom by punishing their evil King, now he's busy making materials for our crew that will be later sold for a lot of money ($u$). Oh, and a few days ago we reformed an evil plant that killed thousands of people. Now Lily is a part of our crew and she's so cute!

These oranges look ready, maybe I should take some to the Captain, yes let's do that.

Why is Carmen passed out here? Is that blood coming out of her nose? Let's just ignore the weirdness. ~pak pak pak slap~ It seems the Captain is busy, maybe I should leave and come back later.

Let's go and see what Laffite is doing, maybe I can learn a bit more from him, he's been in the Grand Line for a while and as a navigator he might have some other tips.

I thought he was supposed to be training his hypnosis with Jango, so why are they doing a dance routine? Yup, let's ignore the weirdness, I better return to tend to the orange trees.

(A/N: I will try to make those small pov's once in a while to show a bit of the crew's personality and stuff. I decided to start with Carmen and Nami, because they are the ones that fit the least with the crew with their initial personalities. What do you think of it? Did you like it? I would appreciate some feedback)

The approach of the huge island ship Groseade quickly attracted the attention of the people left behind in the ships of Baroque Works.

These gangsters have never encountered such a huge pirate ship. They immediately picked up the phone tremblingly and were about to report the news to the officials on the island.

bang~! x3

On the ship with the number 3 on it, the three remaining minions fell down one after another, with red blood coming out of their foreheads.

"Why didn't you just kill them?"

Van Augur glanced at Lafitte and asked expressionlessly.

"Don't be angry, isn't this just trusting your shooting skills?"

Demon Sheriff Lafitte flew back, immediately raised his hands and said innocently, but the fake smile on his face did not change.

Recently, he has figured out the character and strength of most of the crew members on this ship.

Apart from Captain Basire, Doc Q is the most dangerous, and the remaining Van Augur and Zoro are also quite a threat to him.

However, because he can fly, the threat to him from the sniper Van Augur is one level higher than that of Zoro.

"Since you became part of the crew, you have to believe in the choice of fate! Don't have too many small thoughts."

Van Augur said lightly, and then disembarked from the boat and landed on the island, because he also wanted to see the strength of these giants.

"Ha~, you are really cold."

Lafitte pinched the brim of his top hat, continued to smirk, and then followed suit.

Ever since he learned from Basire that Baroque Works is the force of the Shichibukai Crocodile, he had been wondering if the captain wanted to unseat the Sand Crocodile and then become a Shichibukai himself.

But recently, he felt a certain aura that was becoming more and more obvious on Basire. He believed that this captain was not the type of man who would want a position like Shichibukai.

However, if it is used for transitional development, this position can still be occupied for a while.

Basire didn't pay attention to Van Augur's gunfire, and started to land on this huge prehistoric island with his crew members.

Seeing that there were all kinds of dinosaurs here, he asked Burgess and Eldoraggo to catch some dinosaurs and bring them back to the island ship to raise them. They were very good whether they were used as ornamental animals or as spare food.

Near the volcano in the center of Little Garden.

The cadres of Baroque Works have been on this island for several days, and they have successfully figured out the battle patterns and work and rest times of the two giants.

But the fighting power of the two giants was indeed very powerful. As expected of the Captains of the Giant Pirates, who had a bounty of over 100 million beris nearly a hundred years ago, the aftermath of the battle alone shocked them silly the first time they saw it.

And none of these Baroque Works cadres has a bounty of more than 50 million.

Even Mr3 who led the team this time was just a wanted criminal worth 24 million beris, not even as good as his partner Miss Golden Week, a little girl.

This girl who loves to draw with a sketchpad on her back actually has a bounty of 29 million beris.

"This time our plan is to outwit them."

Mr3, whose hairstyle is the same as the number 3, said to these Baroque Works members.

"After the next duel between these two giants, while they are exhausted, we will launch a surprise attack."

"Mr.5, you put your explosives in their food and drinks, wait for them to eat and drink, and then detonate them!"

"I don't believe that they are as tough on the inside as they are on the outside!"

Mr3's glasses flashed with a bright light. Although he is not the strongest, he is naturally the smartest and is a hundred times smarter than Mr2 and Mr1.

The Boss also admired him because of his intelligence and unscrupulousness.


Mr5, who had dark skin and sunglasses, put his hands in his pockets, then answered coldly. He was a user with the Paramecia Bomb Fruit ability, but his current bounty was only 10 million Beris.

However, he is now working as a member of Baroque Works, and is not considered a real pirate, so his exposure rate is not that high.

"I don't know if my ten-thousand-kilogram attacks can cause damage to these giants."

Miss Valentine, a fashionable blond girl wearing a dress full of lemon drawings and holding an umbrella, murmured that. Facing these giants, she suddenly became a little unconfident about her strength.

Her kilo-kilo fruit can only change her weight back and forth between one kilogram to ten thousand kilograms. It is a very useless Devil Fruit when fighting strong people.

Moreover, her bounty is only 7.5 million beris, which is not even comparable to the pirates in East Blue. She was actually here with the mentality of joining Baroque Works as a part-time job.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound in this huge forest, countless birds were flying around, and various beasts were roaring.

"Assholes! Which bastard is making such a big commotion?!"

Mr3 said angrily, after all their plan now is to lurk and wait for the giants to fight before taking them down.

What should he do now that these people have staged such a huge battle and made the two giants alert?

As they thought, Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ogre Brogy were indeed attracted by the movement in the forest.



Jesus Burgess, Eldoraggo, Bear King and other crew members were excitedly chasing these dinosaurs and beating them violently. They would drag them back to the ship to raise them, or beat them to death and let Lily Carnation devour them.

"It's another pirate group!"

Mr3 immediately led everyone back to his candle base, and the outside of it had been colored and camouflaged by Miss Golden Week, making it almost impossible for others to recognize it.

Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ogre Brogy stood at the edge of the forest, carrying their giant sword and ax, waiting for the arrival of these strangers.

They didn't know how many pirate groups they had encountered in the past hundred years.

A green figure rushed out quickly and instantly saw the giant Dorry carrying a giant sword.

"Hey! Giant with a sword! Let's have a fight!!"

Zoro, who absolutely never got lost (according to himself), rushed straight towards the opponent he was expecting.

"Haha, well done! Giants are never afraid of challenges!"

Dorry raised his sword and laughed, and glanced at Brogy provocatively. Obviously, this pirate thought he was stronger, so he challenged him.

So it means that Red Ogre Brogy must be weaker than him!

"Hmph, maybe this pirate is challenging you because he thinks you are weak?" Brogy rolled his eyes at Dorry, and then muttered unhappily.

Dorry was already taking huge steps, accelerating towards this tiny human being, hoping that this little guy wouldn't be killed by him in one move.

Because the humans who can block his sword are all the real strong men in the sea!

Dorry, a 22.6-meter giant, raised a huge sword of more than ten meters and slashed at Zoro, who was only 1.8 meters tall. It was like knocking away a small mouse.

Zoro's swords and Dorry's giant sword collided violently, sparks flew and a huge sound erupted.

But he only held on for a second before he was knocked backwards by the huge force. He turned over hard in the air and plowed a ravine hundreds of meters long on the ground.

Mysteryon Mysteryon

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