Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 3: Strange Sword.

Nothing eventful had happened for the next few hours, only that people seemed to avoid him, the blue haired girl, and the blonde girl for no apparent reason.

But it did not bother him, though.

He was already used to being avoided, in fact, he even enjoyed the solitude.

Soon finding his room, the red haired teenager crashed down on the bed and fell into a deep, deep sleep.


Soon, a cock crow woke him up as the morning had arrived. But he was way too tired to care, he continued to slumber on until the cock crowed once again by evening.

Yawning, the red haired teenager stood up with a slight smile.

"Wow, I actually had a great nap."

After taking a bath and dressing up in the golden overall that was his uniform, he glanced at the clock.

"Oh, it's still ten minutes past five pm....TEN MINUTES PAST FIVE PM?!!"


Running as fast as he could, Tai crashed into the steel door of classroom E, the designated classroom for people who were unlucky enough to get a rare affinity. However, as he creaked open the door, only the groggy lady was slumped on a swivel chair.

"You're nine hours late, Unlocked Leong. Detention for a night."

Tai flinched as he hadn't expected anyone to be in the class room.

'Late by nine whole hours?, I have to serve a full night of Detention?!!'

Before the red haired teenager could say anything to attempt defending himself, he found himself in the school archives with a rag and a bucket.

And so Tai began scrubbing, wiping and washing every single artifact, object and item in the large museum.

It had taken him one hour to finish the entire Section-A, two hours for Section-B, three hours for Section-C, four hours for Section-D, and so on.

By the time he was done, it was already long past midnight. He had finally reached Section-E, the last one, and was in the process of wiping a huge shield that was literally tagged, Great Shield, when he noticed that something was wrong.

Very wrong.

The obsidian black sword stuck on a rock he had seen earlier was no longer standing on it's rock. Instead, it was levitating all by itself a few feet above the rock slab.

Tai stared, his eyes wide in utter bewilderment.

"What the heck?."

Rubbing his tired eyes, he added,

"I'm not seeing things, am I, or is that sword friggin floating?!"

But he was seeing just fine. The sword was suspended between the roof and the rock, all by itself.

The red haired teenager suddenly felt a strong pull pulling him towards the weapon.

One that he could not stop no matter how hard he tried to resist.

It was like the sword itself was pulling him towards it.

His body was moving by itself, but his mind kept screaming.

'What are you doing fool?!!, Don't touch it!!!'

'Dont touch it!'

'Dont touch it!'

'Dont touch it!'

But his fingers were already grazing the hilt of the ancient artifact.

'I touched it!, Why the heck did I touch it?!!'

He had a very strong intuition that touching it would cause something horrible to happen, and unfortunately, he was right.

The Jet Black Sword glowed with an eerie white glow and as his scrawny hand wrapped around it, Tai began to glow too.

All thoughts were cleared from his mind as the world began to fade.

For Tai, only he and the Sword remained.

The glow became brighter as a burst of energy was released from the sword.

Soon enough, it took a humanoid shape.

One of a handsome man with long black hair.

He was clad in medieval armor and had a scarf round his neck.

"I-I can See?"

"Talk, and Feel?"

This strange voice broke Tai out of his trance.

"What?!, Who are you?"

"I am..."

"...I am a sorcerer."

"A-A-Amirax?. Yes, Amirax is my name."

"I made a deal with the Daemon of Fate, I had died, and now I am here."

"Wait, why are your eyes rolling backwards."


"Strange boy?"

"Are you okay?"

"You're deathly pale and seem to be falling over"

Tai paled as his vision faded once again.

However this time, instead of another trance, he fell into oblivion.

"I've friggin gone mad."

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Quà tặng

Quà tặng -- Nhận quà

    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

    Đặt mua hàng loạt

    Mục lục

    Cài đặt hiển thị



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