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Chương 15: School

Read the chapter before this, it has been fixed


As soon as he did so, a golden glow appeared around hand and seconds later, David turned to his grandmother.

Still with his hands glowing golden, David held her hands as he projected his mind forward into hers and immediately began to reconstruct it to bring it back to its former glory.

Replacing all missing memories and strengthening her mind even further, David finally let go as a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Is it done? " Charles asked seeing that the boy had no further intention of attending to him.

"Yes, it's just healing a spine" David replied

"Okay then" Charles replied while holding some doubts on his mind.

He grabbed on to his wheelchair and slowly placed his legs on the ground before attempting to stand up

At first he fell back into the chair but soon, he was standing in the room as a bright smile appeared on his face but the tears on his face drew more attention.

Beside them, Erik could be seen with a joyous expression on his face. It was clear that despite their differences, these two still loved each other.

"Boy you don't know what good you have done today? " Erik said as he came to hug his friend

Meanwhile David and the rest of the family could be seen gathered around his grandmother. He knew it worked and her healing was done but she was still yet to awaken.

"Mama" Sharon called out gently as she softly nudged the woman awake

"Sharon?... What is it? What happened? " She asked, clearly confused

"Olivia is that really you" his grandfather asked as he squated before her

Only God knew how much he had missed his wife however, his hands were tied. He didn't have the powers to help and even if he did, she wasn't letting them heal her.

"What are they doing here?... No, you look familiar… thank you" Olivia said as she turned to Charles.

"You're welcome, ma'am but it's your grandson that you should be thanking, without him neither of us could be healed" Charles replied

"I see, you have grown. You know the last time I saw you, you were only just learning to fly" She said as she pulled David into a hug

Erik and Charles despite their mission chose to let the family have their moment before the discussions continue.

Nearly an hour later, the family finally turned their attention back to the two as they all sat with David still floating in the air. Now with his legs crossed and his hand holding his head up.

"So about the school, I was wondering if you could allow him come school there, it may be beneficial to him in some ways" Charles stated

"I have no problems with him attending a school, I just want to know, will he be attending for free" Olivia asked as the family laughed

"No, mom, we are doing much better now" Sharon said as she grabbed her mother's arm

"You mean, oh… that's surprising" Olivia said as though she suddenly remembered something.

"No ma'am you don't have to worry about his fees, it may be a school but tuition is free, we simply aim to teach them to blend in with society and not harm their fellow humans"

Ink_Verse Ink_Verse

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