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I Cook My Way Through The Multiverse! I Cook My Way Through The Multiverse! original

I Cook My Way Through The Multiverse!

Tác giả: mythoast

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Greetings!

Hey guys,

This story will be quite different from the rest of my stories. It won't have a serious plot, but the MC will still be extremely smart and capable.

By the way, this is not a conquering series for those who are wondering.

And this will be my last anime-themed fic. Once I'm done writing all of these, I will be focusing on a movie/TV series.

Feel free to list all your recommendations for me to write here.

Anyway, the full synopsis goes like this...

A retired Assassin under the High Table, fabled as the second coming of Baba Yaga, was hunted and finally let go of his last breath after taking high-ranking members along with some other assassins with him.

As he died, he met an angel and mysteriously transmigrated into a new world as Tsunayoshi Ito!

A filial son who took his own life out of guilt after a certain accident that claimed his mother's life!

He decided to honor his mother's memory and fulfill the former Tsuna's dying wish and enroll in Totsuki Culinary Academy!

Follow his journey through multiple worlds as he slowly accumulates enough strength while honing his cooking to perfection.

"Hmm, let's complete this mission..." Tsuna mumbled as a beam of light suddenly enveloped his body, causing him to disappear.

Meanwhile, in the midst of a chaotic war between Fairy Tail and the Alvarez Kingdom, the ground trembled with the scent of gunpowder and blood.

"Um, hi there! Would you like to order some fried rice?"

A teenager with dark hair and eyes stepped forward, wearing an apron and a bright smile, seemingly oblivious to the battle raging around him.

In another universe...

Tension thickened in the air as the Captains of the Gotei 13 fixed their gaze on Aizen.


"Could you guys tone it down a little bit? I've got a lot of noise complaints here..."

Someone wearing an apron and holding a kitchen knife interrupted the tense atmosphere with an annoyed voice.


Everyone on the battlefield turned their attention to the guy, speechless.


I will cover a lot of worlds...

The confirmed ones will be:

1. Food Wars (the main one) is also a mixed-up world, so you can expect a surprise.

2. One Punch Man

3. Fairy Tail

4. One Piece

5. Naruto

6. Bleach

And some others? Feel free to give me a suggestion!

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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