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Chương 5: Ch.5 [THE END...?]

'This is gonna be fun' thought Sukuna.

I jumped forwards with a slice of my sword as Sukuna dogged effortless as he turn to the left and sucker punched me in the face face as I thumbled, almost falling to the ground. 

"Twin meteorites!! Recoil!! Scales of the dragon!!" Chanted Sukuna as a massive cleave came to my view. I was sliced, leaving nothing but but my head and feet. 

"Haha!! I had fun but, it's time to end it!" Exclaimed Sukuna. 

"Open" said Sukuna as fire begin to form in his hands. There was an immense amount of power and heat gathering in Sukuna's hand. The attack could be felt by everyone in shubya as everyone was praying for their life that the collateral damage doesn't kill them.

"So, you want to fight for control." Said Sukuna as the attack in his hand begin to weaken little by little. I knew what was happening, yuji was trying to stop Sukuna from launching the attack and killing many innocent people with the immense damage it will cause to the surrounding. 

It was my chance,to come back, to take my Revenge and to kill this fu(ker once and for all. All. Needed to do was regenerate, heal fast enough and kill him while he fight for control. But my hopes where shattered as Sukuna said.

"But now, you don't have a chance, brat." said Sukuna as I lost my confidence to survive. Sukuna launched his final attack 'killing' me, while not giving me the time to adapt to this fire arrow. 

"Phew" "You entertained me enough, Divine General." Said Sukuna as he looked at the scorched ground as he saw building falling to the ground and any trace to vegetation gone, burned to a cinder. 

While sukuna was enjoying the view he noticed a weak curse energy signal coming of from a bunker. 

"So, some bugs managed to survived, huh" said Sukuna as he mad a melovelent smile. Whoever saw the grin would describe it as a grin coming from a Demon. 

"[Domain Expansion: Melovelent Shrine]" said Sukuna as a shrine lettered with skulls appeared behind him. 

Everything around him began to disappeared as shubya was getting 'slashed' into pieces.

"Hmm, Now take control, brat" said Sukuna as the marking in his face began to disappeared, Revealing an innocent kid crying while looking at the ground.

The END...?

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