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41.5% I Am Baki

Chương 22: Chapter 22: Demonstration (II)

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"...", Ken tried to say, only to see me go through the motions of what I did earlier. Doing a couple of straight jabs, I sucked in a long breath of air, calming myself down. It was at this time I decided to look at my new gains, considering what happened before this. I could easily tear sandbags to shreds, but with this newfound strength, I wanted to see what I could do now.

[Baki Hanma]

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

Title: N/A (Equippable: Basic Karate, Master Grappler)

HP: 1200 (+310)

Ki: 75 (+30)

STR: 210 (+45)

END: 140 (+58)

CHA: 60 (+9)

TEQ: 75 (+23)

WIS: 60 (+19)

LUC: 50 (+21)

SPD: 60 (+27)

Skills (That give Stat Gain):

[Long Distance Runner] (New)

+1 SPD per 10 kilometers run.

[Shadow Training] (New)

+5 TEQ during Shadow Training Gain. Bonus Stat Gain according to milestone achieved.

[Ogre's Chains] - Blessing.

+3 STR per STR Gain. +50% EXP.

[Baki's Blessing]

+6 STR per STR Gain. Gain +50% EXP.

[Perfect Comprehension]

+3 WIS per WIS Gain.

[Adaptable Body] (Upgradable)

+2 END per END Gain. +10 HP per HP Gain.

[Baki's Aura] (Upgradable)

+3 CHA per CHA Gain. +5 Ki per level up.

[Sleep] (New)

[Weighted Gain] (New) (This triggers bonus gain, but does not provide bonus stats)

[Perfect Host]

[Curse Reversal]

[Basic Martial Arts Mastery]

My silence remained for a moment, seeing my new gains. It really was quite an intense workout. I reached a few milestones during it, and that caused most of my stats to increase, which triggered Weighted Gain.

What was to note was I now had twenty-one times the normal person's strength. Let's say I could bench press two hundred pounds, that meant I could press 4100 pounds now? About two tons. Another thing to note is my endurance broke the one hundred stat wall, which granted me a milestone achievement. My other stats were on their way to reach that wall too.

There was one for reaching the thousand point wall as well. My health soared quite a bit from that.

I am curious to see if there was an all-gain achievement at one hundred and one thousand points?

Either way, what would happen if you suddenly threw a two ton brick against a bunch of padded sand bound up inside of an airtight bag?

Before I knew it, my body was squared away against the sandbag. A thin white aura began to spread around my body, causing those who stood some feet away to shudder. Even Momo blinked her eyes.

'Baa-chan, you seein' this?', Momo tried to whisper in Reiko's ears.

'No shit am I seein' this. This brat isn't normal. It isn't Cursed Energy though. This brat has trained enough to where he can cause visible phenomenon. What'd they call it, the breath of life?', Reiko uttered next to Momo, causing Ken to remain silent, observing Baki with seriousness in eyes. Momo's friends were clueless as to what was happening though.

'The breath of life?', Momo uttered to herself.

Ignoring their uttering, I remained focused. Of course, what else was to use other than the Seiken Fist I started practicing?

All of a sudden, my eyes were clear, and I yelled out.

"Haaah!", I yelled, punching out with a firm, straight fist.


A loud bang struck everyone's ears. It was so loud that it almost caused a ripple to pass through the air.

"Kyaa!", Kei yelled out in shock, ducking a bit to cover her ears.

Once my fist struck the bag, it didn't tear to shreds this time. It completely tore apart, creating a large explosion of sand suddenly spreading everywhere. I had thoroughly destroyed the sandbag with a single punch of the Seiken Fist.

"H-Holy shit...", Momo cursed, seeing a destroyed sandbag before her. Those in front of her coughed, as the sand knocked up some dust in the air.

"That wasn't a normal punch...", Ken also retorted at the sight. He was used to seeing abnormal things now, but my punch that destroyed the bag surprised him.

It was at this time we all heard a sudden clap strike our ears.

"Subarashii, my future champion.", An aged voice said, drawing everyone's attention with a slow clap. Me included. We all turned around, it took a second but shifting my gaze downward, I spotted the same tiny old man who strutted their way into yesterday's entrance ceremony as if it was their own backyard.

"The entire world isn't your backyard, jiji.", I said, squinting my eyes, and pulled my fist back to my side. I could see a large shadow behind him. Turns out this old man wasn't alone. Hearing me say that, I saw a big smile appear on his face.

"Was that the Seiken?", Doppo's voice behind the old man asked, reaching my ears.

"It was. Got a problem with it?", I retorted, seeing the bulky figure appear behind Senior Tokugawa.

'Huge...', Momo uttered to herself, seeing Doppo appear.

"These two appeared yesterday at the entrance ceremony...Just who in the world?", Ken also uttered, but said that loud enough for me to hear.

"This dude is even a bigger hunk up close than he is to Baki-san...", Miko also uttered with a retort.

"I wasn't expecting you to have friends over Baki-kun, but I wanted to check up on your condition. You seemed out of it yesterday, but it would seem my worry was for naught. Heeheehee.", Senior Tokugawa replied with a laugh.

"Oh, and now you suddenly have sentimental feelings for me, jiji?", I retorted back at him.

"Don't be like that, Baki-kun. You showed me a surprise tonight by doing the Seiken Fist. Do you feel any threat by that, Doppo-senshu?", Senior Tokugawa asked Doppo with a grin.

"Don't be foolish, Tokugawa-sama. It doesn't matter if Baki-san grasped its concept. It'll make it even more fun at the tournament if Baki-san uses it to knock out my disciples.", Doppo responded with a grin of his own.

"Well, it was going to be a surprise but your appearance ruined it. Learning the Seiken Fist is a prerequisite to what I want to learn.", I replied in an honest manner.

"Oh?", Doppo responded with growing interest. "Shall I show you what a true Seiken Fist is?", Doppo asked me, causing me to blink my eyes.

"Is this really the time and place for that?", I asked, doing a motion of my hands, pointing to my new friends beside me. Doppo paused seeing me do this, but let out a hearty laugh after.

"Hahaha! Martial artists pick neither the time nor place for such things, you should know that by now, Baki-san. But I'll abide. Come to the dojo tomorrow.", Doppo suddenly said, only to turn around, and begin walking up the stairs that lead into my basement. As he did, he waved his hand goodbye, causing Senior Tokugawa to blink at him for his sudden departure.

"D-Doppo-senshu!", Senior Tokugawa tried to call out, only to see Doppo now gone from sight. A sound of a door closing echoed in the distance.

"You gonna follow him, jiji?", I asked Senior Tokugawa.

"Maa, in a bit. I was serious in what I came here to do. It's good to see your gears are starting to crank again, Baki-kun.", Senior Tokugawa said in a more serious tone as he looked back my way.

'You gettin' any of this, Okarun?', Momo uttered, whispering next to Ken.

'You asking me, Ayase-san? I'm just as clueless as you are. At least you're doing better than those two.', Ken retorted, pointing toward Miko and Kei. The two currently had stars in their eyes, they sure went all fangirl mode on Doppo.

Lala remained silent during most of it, she mostly had her tail swerving around, displaying a curiosity in her eyes to people she hadn't encountered before.

"Stop grossing me out, jiji. I won't back down from it. After all, you expect me to become your champion down in that arena, right?", I also responded seriously. Hearing that caused Senior Tokugawa to smile from ear to ear.

"No doubt about it, Baki-kun. I dare say you could even do it in a year. I have high expectations for you.", Senior Tokugawa responded, and proceeded to retreat back upward to the first floor. Another sound of a door closing soon followed, leaving us alone again.

"Heh.", I simply uttered with a laugh. Guess that old man really did decide to check up on me and see how I was doing. Perhaps Doppo also felt my low stats from yesterday? Or am I looking into it too much? Compared to then, I now have a monstrous strength, but probably one that doesn't rival the likes of Doppo yet.

I was still a frog in a well compared to Yujiro though. Baki had his clash with him in three years, and I want to come out on top against him.

Still, while thinking that, I turned toward Momo again, who just had confusion in her eyes.

"Sorry you had to see that, but that demonstration was pretty exciting, was it not?", I asked Momo.

"You definitely proved your strength is the real deal, Baki-san. It's getting a bit late though, and Baa-chan has to drive us home. You're up for that still, right Baa-chan--?", Momo tried to ask, only to see her grandmother halfway up the staircase. Seeing that caused me to laugh.

"Quit yer stallin' already. You movin' it or what?", Reiko suddenly called out to Momo's group. Both Miko and Kei snapped out of it.

"At least have some decency, Baa-chan!", Momo retorted, seeing her grandmother's fleeting figure.

"Guess we'll see you around then, Baki-san. You said this tournament or whatever, we are invited, yes?", Ken asked me.

"Of course. It'll be at the Tokyo Dome. Look for Senior Tokugawa's bodyguards and let them know you were sent by me. They'll let you in. Event's happening on Sunday.", Ken said, before hurrying after Momo.

"You got yourself a cool place, Baki-san. Take care.", Kei replied.

"Ditto.", Miko also replied, before catching up to the two.

The dust had settled from the destroyed sandbag from earlier, and now it was just Lala and I now.

"You really do know some strange earthlings.", Peke's voice called out.

"Right? But that power of yours really surprised me! Are all earthlings this strong?", Lala asked.

"Not everyone. There's a minority I belong to that's a bit out of the norm. Hopefully oyaji doesn't show you his strength anytime soon...", I uttered as I answered Lala.

Yet a weird silence began to spread out as Lala didn't say anything after. All I saw her was her eyes looking at me, though perhaps it was better to say that she was looking at something. At this time, I felt an imposing aura trickle down my spine. Damn it, not even a few moments passed since Momo's group left before I felt this imposing aura.

"Don't tell me, oyaji is behind me now, isn't he?", I retorted, asking Lala.

Lala didn't know what I was asking her about, but she still nodded her head anyway. Not expecting to see a giant man with a red mane of hair, akin to that of a beast standing behind me no less.

"So you found yourself a girl eh?", Yujiro's voice called out behind me...

Aht Aht


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