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Chương 12: Chapter 12 : the interview

Walter Cronkite, as the one presenting the televised journal of CBS news since 1962, said:" Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's evening news, without with wasting time, let's begin with our correspondan who's live for the press of Columbia pictures." After the picture switched, he said:" Hello Samy, how are you at the press conference?" Samy replied:"

Hello, Walter, as you can see, I am here waiting for the representatng of Columbia pictures as the conference is about to begin." Just after finished speaking he saw something surprising so he added:" oh, you see, Frank is coming, it seem something important will happen since the CEO of Columbia pictures will attend the press conference himself." Then after Frank passed he saw a woman and a cute child walking behind Frank, he immediately recognized who the woman was so he added:" it seem it really is something important because the woman behind Frank is Alice Walton from the Walton family and her adopted son, are they acquiring Columbia pictures?"

And here the people watching the evening news hear a surprised voice and in the TV the saw Walter Cronkite who stood up, realizing his mistake, Walter gave an apologizing smile and said:" Sorry, I am really surprised." At the same, the citizens watching the news were surprised because in their views such an hardened battled journalist like Walter should not be surprised to the point of exclaiming if the Walton family acquired Columbia pictures.

In fact, although Walton was surprised by the speculation of Samy, he was more surprised because after hearing the mention of the Walton family, he recalled an interview he recorded two years ago smiled and then when he saw the boy accompagning the woman he was surprised and as if recalling something then he exclaimed because as an insider, he have more news than Sam so he knew that today it's because Columbia's signing with the author of the recent popular book, the story of Caligula, so seeing Alan , recalling his investigation about the little boy's past because he was thinking that the boy and the girl have a prominent futur so he investigated a little about them and combining with the past of Caligula he immediately concluded that Alan was the writer of the book and that's why he exclaimed.

No one knew the turmoil inside Walter and they just tough he was really surprised.

After coming, Frank, Alice and Alan sat, facing the camera, then Frank said:" Hello journalist friend and spectators, today Columbia pictures is here To announce a good news as I have the honor to inform you that we have reached an accord with the author of the story of Caligula and we'll have the right to adapt directly the second part of the book that we'll start filming in about one month in which the author will be the producer and will be released next year in the Christmas break along with the second part of the book we also took this opportunity to announce that the inscription for the is opened for children between 7 yeears old and 11 years old ." After that, he put the contract to Alan who signed the contract.

Then the journalist were in uproar because if the understand everything well, Alan, whom they recognized, as a ten years old boy was the author the story of the best seller book.

After that, it was the media's turn to ask questions, after pointing at a random journalist, the journalist asked:" excuse me Mr Alan, are you the author of book, the story of Caligula?".

Alan smiled and replied:" yes I writed the book." Deliberating giving the impression of a boy who's happy to be recognized.

After that, the media knew that there's definitely a big news tomorrow. A journalist who was not designed couldn't help but exclaiming:" Are you sure you are the author of the book,kid?" Alan frowned seemed a little displeased and then did not respond as if he is angry but in fact he is deliberately doing it because he didn't want to give the impression that he is an mature boy because if he did that, people will always try to show some error that he did as there's no one who could do anything perfectly but if he give the impression that he is just a child but is overly intelligent people will not find problem, after all, even if he did some mistake the will still think he is just a child.

Then another designated journalist asked:" Mr Frank, are you sure you want a child about ten years old to be the producer of a film, it'll be irresponsable for the audience, and I think you should advance the age for the audition because children don't know how to act an it'll be more raisonnable to audition for adolescent for the role of the book, you should let a good producer like Robert Evans, you are ruining the book." Said the designated journalist thinking about his adolescent son and then after that they'll put some pressure to Columbia pictures to change the producer to Robert Evans and after that, Robert will definitely own him a favor and let his 16 year old boy play an important role.

Aware that the journalist is planning to cause some trouble pretended to be an angry boy who exploded so he exclaimed:" What, when I was a child I was abandoned at the door of the orphanage, the dean took me in but when I was four years old I remarked that I don't like playing with the other children of my age and always like watch the tv in the orphanage, when I was six years old, I was adopted by my mother but I still don't like playing with the other child then it was not until I am, my mother took me to school but I still feel not at ease at school and feel more and more bizarre like I don't like anything until I met my first friend when I was eight years old and from then on we will prepare and meet every weekend and start some challenge so I started writing the book setting the background of Caligula like mine and then I have the idea than I will turn ten maybe something will happen to me so I come with the idea of receiving grimm when you turn ten. Now that I want to continue the adventure in my book I will also soon turn eleven, I wanted the Caligula to also be eleven and you want to change everything." After Alan finished speaking, he deliberately let tears falls down from his cheek the he run like a child who was bullied by an adult.

Alice was surprised by Alan running and exclaimed:" Alan." Then she goes after him.

Also Frank said:" Ok I think the interview is finished." Then he also ran after Alan.

Of all this was filmed by various journalist and was transmitted live in CBS.

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