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Chương 27: Chapter 21 The Apostate of the Church_1

Dịch giả: 549690339


If Mr. Jacob Valentine were a normal person, then there probably wouldn't be any perverts in this world.

Marvin, Yuniya, Mrs. Maggie, and even Little Black, at this moment had a high degree of agreement on this thought.


From the conversation between Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Maggie, Marvin extracted a key piece of information.

It was about Mrs. Maggie's view of Pipi.

Was it a pet... or was it the utilitarian relationship Mr. Jacob spoke of?

If it was a pet, it would indeed be somewhat difficult to deal with, after all, it's not impossible for someone to treat a dog they've raised from puppyhood as family, but if it was a utilitarian relationship...

The situation would be quite different.

"Hehe, Mrs. Maggie, Yorkshire Terriers really are a smart and petite breed of dogs," Marvin said, looking at Pipi in Mr. Jacob's arms. "It must be very charming."


Mrs. Maggie, hearing someone praise Pipi, immediately felt better and answered with a smile, "Pipi is obedient and clever, loved by everyone. Even the wife of Baron Gilder couldn't stop praising it last time!"

"Is that so..."

Marvin smiled.

In the previous conversation, Mrs. Maggie had focused on Pipi's temperament, characteristics, and the opinions of others, without mentioning herself at all.

Her spontaneous answers, coming entirely from the subconscious, confirmed Marvin's earlier supposition.

Mr. Jacob was right, Mrs. Maggie's feelings for Pipi were not familial, but rather that of a social tool.

Yorkshire Terriers, with their lively and affectionate personalities and lack of body odor, are very convenient to care for and are a breed very popular among people from all walks of life. In social settings, having a beautifully adorned Yorkshire Terrier can essentially establish the status of the owner.

According to Marvin's knowledge, Mrs. Maggie often went to parties at night. He had heard of her attending more than a dozen times, and each time, she would surely bring Pipi along.

Since that was the case...

"Mrs. Maggie, if we set aside past prejudices and speak impartially, it is undeniable that Mr. Jacob truly loves Pipi, right?"


Even though she was reluctant, Mrs. Maggie nodded because what Marvin said was not wrong at all. The whole South Street knew that Jacob Valentine loved Pipi, it was no secret!

"Before I came here, Mr. Jacob made it clear to me that he was willing to pay any price just to get... hmm, Miss Maggie with balls."

"It's not about the price, Priest."

With a serious expression, Mrs. Maggie said, "Pipi means a lot to me, I'm not going to give it away."

"I can give you anything you want!"

Jacob Valentine suddenly became excited, gesticulating widely, "Money! A house! Anything, just name it, I'm willing to give it to you!"

"You can't give me what I want," Mrs. Maggie said coldly. "Priest, this isn't a fair negotiation. From the beginning, you've been taking the side of Jacob Valentine, which is very unfair to me."

"Although I was invited by Mr. Jacob, I have not taken his side," Marvin shook his head. "The purpose of my visit is to resolve the conflict between you, Mrs. Maggie, and Mr. Jacob. You are neighbors and see each other every day. Isn't it tiresome to keep quarreling?"

"I'm already fed up with him! He is a pervert!"

"Please don't get agitated, Mrs. Maggie."

Marvin gestured with his hand, signaling her to calm down, "Mr. Jacob's choice in a partner is indeed different from ordinary people's, that much is undeniable. You both are followers of the Goddess, and as a Priest, I do not wish to see you argue. This will only exacerbate the conflict."


After thinking for a moment, Mrs. Maggie, too, seemed to think that this could not go on, "Priest, how do you propose we reconcile this?"

Reconciling conflicts between followers is a very tricky matter.

Especially in the case of special individuals like Jacob and Maggie Criss.

Marvin had never encountered such a situation before...


"Before that, Mrs. Maggie, may I spend some time alone with Pipi?" Marvin said. "It'll be just me, Nia, Pipi, and Little Black, Mr. Jacob won't come over."

"I suppose it's possible..." Mrs. Maggie said doubtfully. "But why?"

"Please don't ask; I won't do anything to Pipi. You can rest assured."

"Alright then."

Mrs. Maggie, while keeping a watchful eye on Jacob Valentine, handed over the tongue-lolling Yorkshire Terrier to Marvin.

Pipi was well-behaved, not struggling even when Marvin held it but rather whimpered with its tongue out, turning its head from side to side.

After entering the kitchen with Pipi and closing the door, Marvin said to Little Black, "It's your turn to take the stage."

"Meow?" Little Black looked puzzled.

"Ask Pipi what it thinks about Mr. Jacob and Miss Maggie. Though different breeds, dogs should understand what kitties say."

Aren't you just scolding yourself?

Muttering to himself, Little Black stretched lazily and sauntered over to Pipi, initiating their encrypted conversation.

"Meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow..."


"Meow meow meow!"

"Woof... woof woof woof..."

"What meow?!"

In the middle of the exchange, Little Black's eyes suddenly widened as if it had heard something terrifying and looked back at Marvin, "Pipi... Pipi says Mrs. Maggie sometimes abuses it, meow..."

"Abuse?" Marvin frowned. "Could you have misunderstood? Mrs. Maggie treats Pipi as a tool to socialize with high society; why would she abuse it?"

"It's true, meow!" Little Black cried out excitedly. "Pipi says Mrs. Maggie trains it to do difficult tricks to please those noble ladies, and if Pipi doesn't train earnestly or performs poorly at dinner parties, Mrs. Maggie would punish it by pricking it with a needle!"

"Oh!" Yuniya exclaimed in surprise. "Then Pipi is too pitiful! It's just a little dog!"

"That's exactly what Mrs. Maggie has been doing... This has been going on for quite a while, meow," Little Black sighed. "The other day, Mrs. Maggie wanted to mate Pipi with Baroness Gilder's Yorkshire Terrier, but Pipi didn't like the Baroness's dog at all.... Compared to Mrs. Maggie, Pipi prefers to be with Mr. Jacob."

Marvin's expression darkened. Before he arrived, he didn't know what Pipi thought, nor was he aware of what Mrs. Maggie had done to Pipi. He never would have expected Mrs. Maggie to abuse Pipi...

From a legal perspective, Pipi is considered 'property' belonging to Mrs. Maggie. However, from a humanitarian standpoint, Pipi is a living being with feelings, knowing who treats it well and who does not.

Is animal abuse the truth?

Marvin had never abused animals and deeply detested those who did. Abuse and slaughter are not the same; the latter is momentary, but the former is long-term!

Those who abuse animals are definitely psychologically twisted!

Back in the living room, Marvin didn't immediately hand Pipi back to Mrs. Maggie but instead asked expressionlessly, "Mrs. Maggie, I have a question. Please answer me truthfully."

"What is it, Priest?"

"Did you, at any time, abuse Pipi?"

"Abuse?!" Mrs. Maggie's eyes widened. "Priest, how can you say that! When have I ever abused Pipi?"

"Haven't you pricked it with needles, forcing it to perform difficult tricks?"

"That...." Mrs. Maggie suddenly faltered. "I was just training it. Does that count as abuse? Don't all parents discipline their children when they don't do well in their studies? If that's considered abuse, then wouldn't there be many parents guilty of abusing their children?"

"If it is merely for not studying well that a child is beaten or scolded, then indeed that behavior could technically be considered abuse," Marvin said gravely. "Not doing well in studies is not a fault; some children are simply not inclined to study. They have their own talents, and teaching according to their aptitude is the most important! Children are not tools!"

"So what! Pipi is my dog! It belongs to my property! I can do whatever I want with it! Even killing it doesn't matter!"

Mrs. Maggie suddenly grew furious, lunging forward to snatch Pipi. To prevent Pipi from getting hurt, Marvin released his hold, at the same time blocking an enraged Jacob Valentine.

"You have forsaken the truth, forsaken the Church, forsaken the Goddess, Mrs. Maggie."

With his left hand on his chest, Marvin spoke icily, "By the authority of my priestly position, I hereby declare that as of today, the Church excommunicates you. You are no longer a believer of the Church of Truth. From now on, the Goddess will no longer bestow her blessings upon you, and you will have no further ties with the Church of Truth."

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