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Chương 39: Need Help With Potis Altiare Abilities

(A/N: Sorry about these constant questions, but I want to know your opinions so I could make the story even better. The question is, what abilities should the Potis Altiare pieces give? You saw it yourself, a single piece unlocked Ultimate Function, so what should the others do? Comment on each piece, and tell me your thoughts on what I've already chosen.

Piece 1: Enables Ultimate Transformations.

Piece 2: Enables instant teleportation to transformations' home planets. Very useful outside of combat, if you think about it, since he can go to anywhere in the universe after acquiring a single DNA from it. Spoilers, but it will be what'll lead him to meet Azmuth and Ben's chosen girl, the red dommy mommy herself🗿.

Piece 3: Enables Fusion Transformations. Oooh, baby, this is going to bangers when it comes around!

Piece 4:

Piece 5:

Piece 6:

All Pieces: x10 for all natural abilities of transformations.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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