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Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary original

Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary

Tác giả: SrCuervo

© WebNovel

Guide to the novel

Timeline: One thousand years before the hero Himmel defeated the Demon King


Appearance of the protagonist?


Story distribution:

First 20 chapters of development, this was going to expand to 40 chapters but in the end I reduced it.

The next 30 chapters we will see the human-demon fights a thousand years ago.

Volume 2 will interact with characters you expect.


If this story is very supported it will have many chapters, if it is not so supported I will focus on my other novels,


Will this novel have Romance? A complicated question, but surely, everything is possible as long as you ask for it,If you like my work and can support me, come to my page where you can read the most recent of my work. Additionally, you can read my most recent and original novels.


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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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