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Chương 23: Chapter 23: Xiao Yu, with Long Legs!

Chapter 23: Xiao Yu, with Long Legs!

"Brother Ze, are you planning to go on a trip?!"

This sudden news made Xiao Xun'er exclaim in surprise.

"Where is Brother Ze planning to go? Why this sudden idea?"

"I'm not sure, ever since I advanced to Dou Master, this idea has been lingering in my mind."

Xiao Ze explained vaguely. Seeing Xiao Xun'er's puzzled expression, he reached out and patted her head.

"Don't worry, with my current strength, as long as I'm careful and don't actively get involved in anything, ordinary people can't harm me at all."

"But isn't this too sudden?" Xiao Xun'er hurriedly said, "And isn't the enrollment date for Canaan Academy coming up soon? Planning a trip at this time..."

"That's why I plan to go ask Cousin Xiao Yu about the specific date. Otherwise, this idea keeps lingering, and I can't focus on my training."

Xiao Ze's explanation made Xiao Xun'er fall silent. When it came to his own cultivation, Xiao Ze wouldn't joke around.

"Well then, does Brother Ze need me to come with you?"

"No need, I'm just trying to fulfill my idea, who knows where I might end up."

Xiao Ze shook his head. Of course, he knew where he was going - Qing Shan Town.

Bringing Xun'er along would be inconvenient.

"And roughing it out in the wild won't be as comfortable as at the Xiao residence, so it's better for you to stay here, where it's safe."

Seeing Xiao Xun'er about to speak, Xiao Ze quickly added.

"This trip is to clear my mind. When I come back, my strength may greatly increase, and if you're with me, you might just get left behind!"

Only then did Xiao Xun'er nod silently and follow Xiao Ze without a word, but she tightly held Xiao Ze's hand with her right hand.

Xiao Ze sighed inwardly. Xiao Xun'er was his chosen bonded person.

This trip to Qing Shan Town was indeed necessary!

After obtaining the bonded person, Xiao Ze carefully screened the Xiao family.

To put it simply, currently in the Xiao family, only Xiao Xun'er was a Gold Legend.

Xiao Yan might regain his talent with the help of Yao Lao in the future, learn alchemy, and potentially become a Gold Legend. But for now, he was just an ordinary white.

Or you could say, almost everyone in the Xiao family was just ordinary white.

With Xiao Xun'er's feedback, he was barely considered a Gold Legend.

Among the powerful talents that could be obtained in the early stages, the difficulty of obtaining the Crisis Poison Body of the Little Doctor Fairy was definitely top-notch, and the difficulty of obtaining it was extremely low!

In a certain town in the eastern part of the Warcraft Mountains.

As for the Rainbow Devouring Python bloodline of Queen Medusa... she hadn't tempered it with different fire yet, evolving her bloodline.

And from the original description, there was a great deal of randomness in what Queen Medusa would eventually evolve into.

Not to mention the danger she inherently possessed.

He was just a small Dou Master now. Daring to venture into the depths of the desert, Queen Medusa could crush him with just one finger.

Qing Lin was also a good choice, but it was too far away and he might not make it in time for the enrollment date of Canaan Academy.

All in all, among the talents of Gold Legend level in the Gamma Empire, the Little Doctor Fairy had the lowest difficulty in obtaining!


As the two were about to go to the residence of the Chief Elder, they met Xiao Yu at the intersection.

She was chatting and laughing with Xiao Mei, and it seemed they were heading to the back mountain.

"Cousin Xiao Yu, please wait a moment."

Xiao Ze called out to Xiao Yu, and the two ahead stopped their steps.

Seeing that it was Xiao Ze and Xiao Xun'er, both Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei were a little surprised.

These two were the pride of the family, why would they suddenly come to find them?

Xiao Yu stopped and looked at Xiao Ze, who had already seen Xiao Ze at the venue earlier, and indeed, he had left a deep impression on her.

From a discreet child before, he had grown into a handsome and elegant young man.

Xiao Yu had met Xiao Ze a few times when she was young, and when she was about to go to the back mountain to soak in the hot springs, she met Xiao Ze.

He even reminded her to be careful and not let others peep.

Thanks to Xiao Ze's reminder, Xiao Yu became vigilant and even though she was soaking in the hot springs, she didn't take off all her clothes.

And she paid attention to her surroundings, which indeed caught a peeping boy.

What was awkward was that the peeping guy turned out to be Xiao Ze's brother who had reminded her.

Xiao Yan!

At that time, Xiao Yu found it quite interesting. Xiao Ze's kind gesture had backfired on Xiao Yan.

Because of this, Xiao Yu had a deep impression of Xiao Ze. Even though she rarely heard news about Xiao Ze later on, she still remembered him.

"Xiao Ze, is there something you need?"

Xiao Ze came to Xiao Yu's side, his eyes first attracted by Xiao Yu's sexy and charming long legs, then shifted his gaze to Xiao Yu's eyes.

Long legs were good, but don't get too obsessed.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she had already learned from her grandfather that Xiao Ze had reconciled with Xiao Ning, she was still worried that Xiao Ze would come to her for trouble.

Sure enough, just as her grandfather had said, Xiao Ze was broad-minded.

Xiao Yu showed a reminiscent look, lightly tapping her tempting lips with her fingertips.

"The enrollment date for Canaan Academy... It's probably about a month away."

"If Cousin Xiao Ze and Cousin Xun'er want to enroll, I can take you there, which can save you a lot of trouble... and the person in charge of enrollment happens to be my mentor."

Xiao Yu said, seeming worried that Xiao Ze wouldn't trust her.

She even patted her chest and added one last sentence, bringing up her mentor.

"A month later?" Xiao Ze thought for a moment, and there was plenty of time.

In the original text, it took Xiao Yan five days to leave Uthang City and rest somewhere in the eastern part of the Warcraft Mountains.

And then with the heavy ruler on his back, he walked for two days to reach Qing Shan Town.

If he went straight to Qing Shan Town, it might not even take five days.

"In that case, I really have to thank Cousin Xiao Yu. Cousin Xiao Ning and I had some grudges before, but Cousin Xiao Yu still treats me like this. Cousin, you really have a broad mind."

Xiao Ze didn't hesitate to speak some kind words when Xiao Yu took the initiative to help.

Of course, these words were all learned from the Chief Elder.

Xiao Ze now realized that the Chief Elder's colorful words were quite useful.

Sure enough, there was knowledge everywhere in life.

Never-ending learning!

Hearing Xiao Ze's sincere praise, Xiao Yu's smile became even more intense.

After all, which woman wouldn't want to hear that she had a broad mind?

The relationship between the few of them had been somewhat cold before.

Xiao Ze's words were like a lubricant, instantly bringing them closer.

Xiao Yu even leaned in, telling the two of them many things about enrollment.

Xiao Mei stood aside, listening carefully. She also planned to develop in Canaan Academy in the future, and it wouldn't hurt to listen more.

Soon, the few of them harmoniously agreed to go to the back mountain together, preparing to bathe in the hot springs, a coming-of-age ceremony that had left them all sticky.

Of course, Xiao Ze would stand guard outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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