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Chương 2: Entry log 2: Christophsis

After a while, we land in the hanger bay of the Venter and we step off the gun.

I turn to Ahsoka 

Fordo: "Commander we should be at Christophsis in a few hours give or take I'll contact you when we arrive and we will leave for the planet's surface."

She nods and we go our separate ways.

I go to the shuttle that we will take and check if all the supplies are intact and ready. after that, I go to the bridge and the Admiral of the ship greets me. 

we salute each other.

Fordo: "Sir!"

Admiral: "Captain welcome aboard we will reach Christophsis in 3 to 4 hours" 

Fordo: "Yes sir"

--------------4 hours later----------------

I am in the hanger bay waiting for Ahsoka I just contacted her and told her we have arrived she should be here any minute. 

10 minutes later she arrives.

Ahsoka: "Sorry I'm late Fordo"

Fordo: "It's fine, come on let's get on the shuttle and head down towards the planet."

We get in the shuttle and it takes us down to Christophsis it takes us a few minutes but we eventually land and the hatch of the shuttle opens revealing Kenobi and Skywalker we walk out.

Kenobi: A youngling?

Anakin: And our special forces unite where is the rest?

Fordo: "You're looking at it, sir."

As Ahsoka tells them the situation I take a good look at what going on and our situation.

'It's more serious than I thought'


Yeah I know this one short but I'll try not to make them short in the future 

Scott47 Scott47

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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