Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 1: Reborn

In a lush green jungle, deep in the woods a young boy was swinging his sword like a crazy person.




The swishing sound of the sword echoed in the jungle, the boy was counting with each swing.





"Sword Unity(entry)[unlocked]"

"It has been 2 days and I have confirmed that it is the world of Martial Peak."

2 days ago he was suddenly reborn during a fight. He had his doubts in the beginning but when he saw Yang Kai suddenly becoming strong and beating Zhou Hu, he had completely confirmed that he had been reborn in the Starting World of Martial Peak.

He was excited at the start when he saw people using superhuman strength, but he was just an extra in this world and like Yang Kai was a trial disciple of the High Heaven Pavilion.

Luckily he had been gifted a Dao System he did not know by whom, maybe the World Tree.


Name: Mo Fan

No. Of Sword Swings: 100


●Sword Unity(entry)[unlocked]










After 2 days of struggle, he had finally reached the Sword Unity realm. He did not have any talent in cultivation and Yang Kai had already awakened the Golden Skeleton Body. Any thoughts he had about stealing the book were now futile.

The concept of his system was quite simple, the system had already chosen the sword dao for him and he had to keep swinging the sword to unlock further realms in Sword dao.

After he had reached the Sword Unity realm he felt that he had become one with the sword even though the feeling was very weak he still felt it and his strength seemed to have broken through some sort of shackles.

"Hehehe..", he laughed sheepishly looking towards the sky thinking, "The world tree would not send lightning, right!?"

He waited a little longer and no lightning strike came but he knew he was too weak for the world tree to take him seriously.

He went back to his trial disciple hut.

His change did not alert anyone as they could still not sense any cultivation from him, which meant he was still useless.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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