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Madam Wants To Divorce Her Second Husband Madam Wants To Divorce Her Second Husband original

Madam Wants To Divorce Her Second Husband

Tác giả: ForeverPupa

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1: I will take this baby with me

The cold wind gently caressed Winter's hair as she stood on the balcony, staring emptily at the view of the New York City skyline from the beautiful penthouse her late first husband had bought for her. 

It was already midnight, yet her second husband, Sebastian, hadn't returned home. But she already knew where he was.

Winter stared morosely at the picture her mother-in-law had sent earlier. No matter how much she stared at it, there was no changing the facts - the man in the photo was undoubtedly her husband Sebastian, hugging a red-haired woman's waist as they entered a hotel suite. 

Her phone beeped again. She took a look, and her heart sank further. Her mother-in-law had just sent another message, a transcript of Sebastian transferring the ownership of all of Winter's assets to himself.

She was now left with nothing, not even the penthouse her late husband left her. Winter choked out a sob. Sebastian had taken everything Aiden had given her without mercy. 

How could Sebastian do this to her? Their marriage was colder than the season she was named after, but to think he would be ruthless enough to leave her with nothing after she tried her best to be a good wife to him. 

Was it because she was a whole decade older than him? Was it because she was a widow?

She didn't know why, but in his eyes, she was nothing more than a burden, a gold-digger, and everything he hated about this world. 

"You could've lived a comfortable life as a single woman for the rest of your life, waiting to die so that you can reunite with Aiden in heaven…" Winter murmured in anguish. "So why did you remarry such a scoundrel? "

That question lingered in her head for a while.

Six months after her first husband's sudden passing from a horrible car crash, Winter was left alone in this world, empty and confused.

Aiden left everything he owned to her. Winter had no idea what to do with all of Aiden's businesses, including his huge company, because she had always been a homemaker since she married Aiden.

She had no qualifications to work in a multi-million dollar company, let alone take full control of it. She desperately needed a helping hand. 

Amidst her confusion, she got introduced to Sebastian Saenz, a handsome young man in his mid-twenties, ten years younger than her, and the CEO of a branch company that her late first husband owned.

As they got closer, he proposed to her after six months of dating, and she agreed without thinking twice, feeling that she had no right to refuse a good man who wanted to accompany her amid her loneliness and also took care of the company that her first husband left for her. 

Who would've expected that Sebastian Saenz was a scum who just wanted her money?

He cheated on her and took over all of her assets. 

She was left with nothing but a baby in her stomach.

"My baby…" Winter placed her cold hand on her belly, which was already a small bump. 

She was already twelve weeks pregnant, but she hadn't broken the news to anyone, not even Sebastian, about her pregnancy because she thought it wasn't worth it. 

He wasn't worthy of being a father to her child, and she didn't want this baby to be born knowing that their father was such a monster. 

Her phone beeped again. Winter got another text from her mother-in-law and also a voice recording.


From: Camilla 

Listen to this recording. 

That penthouse is mine, so leave before dawn, or I will have cops to kick you out.


Winter clicked on the audio recording, and she could hear Sebastian's voice with another woman. 

'Seb, are you sure we can do this? You are already married, right? That old bitch will be sad,' the woman said with a sweet, spoiled voice. 

'I don't care. I married her because of her inheritance. That useless woman had a shit ton of money after Aiden died,' Sebastian replied coldly.

The recording ended, and so did the last trace of love she had for Sebastian Saenz. 

"This is a mistake. I shouldn't have married you in the first place. I should've just followed Aiden to the grave right after his death," Winter whispered. She bit her trembling lips, but she couldn't hold back the tears that rolled down her cheeks. "Aiden would never hurt me like this."

Winter looked down from the railing of the balcony.

She couldn't see the street from here because this penthouse was at the top of a skyscraper. 

'I should have an instant death if I jump from this height,' Winter thought. 'That's perfect.'

Before she lost her nerve, Winter decided to send one last voice note message to her scumbag of a husband.

"Are you satisfied with yourself, Seb? You took everything from me, from this lonely and stupid woman who wanted nothing but to be loved," Winter said, her voice wavering in the voice note. But as she caressed her baby bump, she got braver. "So, I will take something from you in return; our baby. Because a heartless bastard like you doesn't deserve to see your child."

"I will take this baby with me to the grave," Winter declared. Now, her anger was gone. It died alongside her will to live. Her voice was empty of any emotion. "Goodbye, Sebastian Saenz. I hope you burn in eternal guilt."

Winter sent the voice note to Sebastian, and in only a few seconds, she got a call from him.

Winter scoffed as she saw the number saved as 'Husband' calling her desperately. 

Was he going to convince her to live? Impossible. Knowing him, he must have wanted to accuse her of having an affair that resulted in pregnancy. 

She didn't want to listen to his garbage any longer. She tossed her phone down the skyscraper and took her time staring at the night sky, "The stars are beautiful tonight. Too bad I can't stand and watch for too long…"

She took a deep breath and climbed onto the railing. 


"Damn it! Pick it up!" 

Sebastian desperately called Winter's phone number as he went up to the penthouse with the elevator, but none of his calls went through. "No, don't do this to me, Winter! I can fix this! I can fix us!" 

When he received the ultrasound picture and heard her voice note, Sebastian had a terrible premonition. So he rushed to the penthouse while repeatedly calling her phone just so he could explain himself, even though he was unsure if Winter would believe him. 

"WINTER!" Sebastian called out her name as he entered the penthouse, only to see the foyer dark and empty, with the door leading to the balcony wide open.

That night, the cold wind blew into his heart and never left.

ForeverPupa ForeverPupa

Hello! Pupa is back with a new novel!

This is a story that I've been wanting to write for a while, becuase I often imagined what would happen if a very special woman in my life returns back in time before she married her husband.

I wish she'd make a better decision.

Or if she ends up with the same man, I hope he becomes a better man in this new life :)


This story is about regret, repentance, and a second chance!

Please give this novel a chance, thank you for reading!

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