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Chương 5: Chapter 5

"You can sleep here, but not me," Winter said. "I'm not going to sleep in the same bed with you."

Sebastian sighed. He massaged his temple as he got a continuous headache having to deal with this woman. 

"What now? You refuse to share a bed with your husband?" Sebastian asked. "Seriously, what is wrong with you? Did you hit your head on your way to the bridal room?"

'Oh, far more than that. I jumped from the penthouse balcony since you gave me no hope and no escape,' Winter retorted silently. 

But she couldn't say that in front of Sebastian since he hadn't yet committed any of his evil deeds. 

Based on all the information that Winter knew before she jumped from that balcony, Sebastian would start alienating Winter from her connections and family friends six months after they married.

One year after their marriage, he would stop giving Winter any news about the company, and in one and a half years, she'd receive an anonymous tip that Sebastian was cheating on her.

By their second anniversary, he would seize her assets, break her heart, and leave her with nothing but their unborn child. 

Winter could feel Sebastian's condescending gaze. It was clear he didn't really see her as his wife.

She was just a bridge for him to be ultra-rich.

Winter hugged her elbows to comfort herself, "Just because we're married doesn't mean I'm in love with you, Sebastian."

"But you accepted my proposal!"

"That's because I need someone to replace Aiden as the new CEO and manage all my assets. After assessing you for six months, I admit that you are the best candidate. But that doesn't mean I'm in love with you," Winter said coldly. "I'm not an idiot."

'Wrong. I am that idiot,' Winter contradicted herself in her heart. Before everything was unveiled, she truly trusted Sebastian to manage everything and gradually fell in love with him.

However, she was unsure if she fell in love with him for his quality or because she felt a trace of Aiden in him. 

"Then why did you want a divorce if you can use me?!" Sebastian suddenly snapped as he grabbed Winter's arm and clenched it hard until she winced in pain.

But she didn't scream despite the pain. She stood still, staring at him dead in the eyes and replied, "Because I just realized I can find someone better than you."

Winter's last sentence shattered Sebastian's confidence immediately. He looked hurt, which surprised her because she didn't expect a monster like Sebastian to be affected by her words. 

"Is that… What do you think of me?" Sebastian asked, and his voice began to get hoarse.

Winter nodded. "I know you're right. You're currently the best man to handle my assets. But that doesn't mean you're the only one. I will eventually find a better one out there."

"So, let's just be cordial to each other for now, Sebastian Saenz. We can stay married, but that doesn't mean we're in love, right?" Winter said firmly. "Let go of my hand, Sebastian. I want to leave."

"Where are you going?" Sebastian asked. 

"To the penthouse," Winter replied curtly. "That's where I spent my time with Aiden, not in this cold mansion you bought using my money."

Sebastian finally let go of her arm and lowered his gaze, not daring to stare at Winter as she left their bridal room. 

She could feel his eyes lingering on her back as she left, slamming the door shut before walking to the foyer. 

She ignored the housekeepers, who gave her questioning gazes since seeing the bride leaving the bridal room with a sullen look was weird.

Nevertheless, nobody dared to raise a question until she stumbled upon a tall and well-built man in an all-black suit. 

He had that military cut, and his rugged look suggested he was an ex-soldier. 

Yet, despite his appearance, he bowed politely at Winter and asked in a soft manner, "Madam, why are you here?"

Winter turned her head towards Arthur, her driver and bodyguard, hired by Aiden a few months after their marriage.

Even after Aiden's death, Arthur stayed by her side and voiced no protest over anything. He was always there for her through thick and thin.

Unfortunately, Arthur mysteriously disappeared a year after her marriage, leaving her vulnerable and lost, as he was the only connection she had to the outside world.

'Sebastian and Camilla must have done something to him because he has been so loyal to me…' Winter felt guilty because she couldn't protect Arthur. She was stupid and weak. 'That's right, I brought this upon myself because I've been so ignorant…' 

"Madam?" Arthur drew near her until he towered over her. "Are you alright?"

"Bring me home, Arthur," Winter said.

"… you mean the penthouse?" Arthur's gaze darkened as he realized something was wrong. "Did that man do something to you?"

Winter didn't give him an immediate answer. She looked away and replied vaguely, "I just need time alone. So bring me home. This mansion is not my home and never will be."

Arthur didn't inquire further as he knew Winter was in a somber mood.

"I'll prepare the car immediately, Madam."

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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