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Adopted Soldier Adopted Soldier original

Adopted Soldier

Tác giả: lynerparel

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The End and the beginning

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound the seven year old boy could hear. At this very moment the boy was looking at a man with a gun in his hands. This random man came into their home and killed his parents, because they wouldn't give him what he wants.

The killer kept on hitting the boy until he bled, still no matter how much he hurt the boy, the boy didn't faint nor did he scream.

He aimed his gun at the boy but hesitated in shooting him. The boy on the other hand looked at killer of his parents and stared at the gun with no visible emotion on his face. There was no anger, no fear, no sadness, nor regret in that emotionless face of his.

The killer was scared by the boy's nonchalance, he out of fear was going to shoot the boy, just to put an end to this scene. He was ready to pull the trigger.


The killer fell to the ground dead, a hole was seen in his forehead. The boy looked at the one who shot his enemy dead. There in front of him stood a man who looked to be around the same age as his father. The man who was wearing something similar to a military uniform, stepped forward.

He looked at the boy and started smoking, afterwards he pointed his gun at him.

"Do you want to live?"

The boy couldn't answer immediately since he was injured, but he looked at the man and with the last bit of his strength answered.

"I want to be strong."

The man smiled at the boy's answer.

"Heh, nice answer kid. If you want to live and be strong. First you must die." The man aimed at the boy and shot his gun.


Before the boy fainted he heard the man speak.

"From this day forth you're my son, Alexander Samarita."

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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