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Fairy Tail: The Fourth Master Fairy Tail: The Fourth Master original

Fairy Tail: The Fourth Master

Tác giả: ImmortalCupCake

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1

Continent of Ishgar, at the border of the Kigdom of Fiore, a fifty foot tall gigantic beast made of rocks and magma is terrorizing a town.

The beast has an enormous strength that a simple swing of its arm can cause a strong gust of wind capable of blowing away several trees.

It can also breath magma and fire, also capable of using a powerful earth magic. Mages were already sent to vanquish it, but all of them died.

Meanwhile, at the capital of Fiore, Crocus, the king of Fiore, Toma E. Fiore, was sitting on his throne, looking down on a servant kneeling on the floor with a frown.

"Is what you said is true?" Toma asks.

"Yes your Majesty! That beast is too powerful that two S-class mages died by its hands! I'm afraid that only a Saint can have a chance of defeating it." Replied the servant.

"Hmm." Toma pondered for a moment, "Deploying a Saint isn't simple, the Magic Council won't just easily deploy them even if a King were to request it."

Toma began to think of another solution. After all, it is easy to deploy a dozen of S-class wizard than one Wizard Saint.

Suddenly, a certain salmon-haired trouble maker came to his mind.

"That's right, how could I forget? Our Kingdom has the guild where a fire eating destructive trouble maker belongs. Send a message to Fairytail's master, that I have a task precisely for Natsu Dragneel."

"Immediately your majesty!" The servant replied as he excuses himself.

Toma sighed as he leaned on his throne. "Sigh~ I wish he could really deal with that beast, if not.... I might suffer some losses just to request a Saint from the council."

Magnolia, at the Fairytail Guild. Everyone was relaxing, no fights, destruction, or noise, which is a bit surprising.

Well, how could they afford to fight? All of them were still pretty exhausted by doing jobs-after-jobs just to qualified for the S-class trials.

Even the guild's most noisy and troublesome member which go by the name Natsu Dragneel is simply taking a nap at the bar counter.

The guild's barmaid, the famous model, Mirajane Strauss, is currently watching 'her' favorite dragon slayer with a loving smile and sweet smile.

Though she wouldn't admit it, she has a 'thing' for the guild's most troublesome and destructive dragonslayer.

She even make sure that no one will notice her while she observes 'her' Natsu.

Though, some fellow girls notice this, mostly those girls who have a 'thing' for the fire dragon slayer, but they kept quiet about this.

However, their quiet afternoon was interrupted by a loud voice of an old man that came from the floor above them.


Natsu immediately woke up from his nap and frantically look around. He sighed in relief thinking that it was just his imagination and decided to continue his nap..


Natsu was startled, he wondered just what the hell is going on? He was sure that he didn't destroy anything today...yet so why?

"Natsu, did you do something bad again?"

Natsu turned his head and saw a scarlet-haired beauty staring at him with a dangerous eyes. He gulped, hard.

"I-I swear I d-didn't do anything! W-Well, at least, I think I didn't." He replied nervously.

"Well, why don't you just go master's office? After all, master wouldn't scold you if you have done nothing wrong." Mirajane said as she gave a reassuring smile.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. I will be going then, thanks Mira!"

Natsu then stood up and climed upstairs, completely missing the silent staring-war between a knight and a demon.

ImmortalCupCake ImmortalCupCake

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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