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He is a Nymphomaniac. He is a Nymphomaniac. original

He is a Nymphomaniac.

Tác giả: Alaheeza

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The Rich Brat

Facebook page - Alaheeza3

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Discord- Alaheeza#1978

This is only volume 1

Read volume 2 (Married To a Nymphomaniac)

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He was not the kinds to settle with just a single girl and tolerate her for entire life. He used his immense power, influence and wealth to satisfy his lust everyday. He was also not someone who was born with a silver-spoon. The man was indeed a self-made man, who had witnessed struggles and hardships right from his childhood.

But, today this man was the 7th richest business tycoon in the entire Asia. His charm and good looks were enough to attract any woman to sleep with him. Everyday, women of different shapes and sizes would accompany to his bed, as per his will.

He opened his pants for these women willingly but then he never opened his heart. Most of the times, he would not even rip off the clothes of the woman he slept with. He would casually unbotton his pants and his briefs to reveal his hardness with rest of his clothes fully intact. He was never interested in exploring the other person's body. He would simply remove the panties of every woman from beneath their dresses and satisfy his needs, which was his sole purpose.

Every morning was just usual to him, following the same routine. As the sun rays would wake him up, he would turn around his face to look at the woman already staring at him with lustful eyes. Within five minutes every woman was shown her way out of his massive villa after he had already made out with her multiple times in the night.

Volume 2 - Married to Nymphomaniac

Read on - Readamo, Toimoi, Lereader, Novelenders, Easynovel, Noveloasis, Yumread, Upnovel,Voyon,Novellair

Alaheeza Alaheeza

Other books

1) It started with a bra

2) When love happens

3) The CEO's addiction

4) The perfect war story...

5) Oth of seduction

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