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1.75% High King
High King High King original

High King

Tác giả: Kapowne

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

  Hello and welcome to my tale. If you have found this book, then you have found yourself interested in my life. While I do enjoy my privacy, much has happened over the years that requires an explanation. Before I continue, allow me to apologize for the formal tone. While I was a young man when this tale began, I am young no longer. Age has wizened not only my mind, but also my spoken and written word. Such travesties tend to occur when a world you once knew to be impossible- as I felt I knew- suddenly is not only possible, but now a reality. Events such as that awaken a thirst for knowledge and understanding beyond comprehension. But I'm sure anyone reading this understands, for you too have lived it, though perhaps not to this extent.

The story I am about to reveal is a personal one. It is a tale of magic, adventure, tragedy, danger and of course, love. Before I can continue I must explain the world as it was during the start of my tale. The year was 2018, A large city in the West coast of The United States. Our nation had become divided by a time of social and political disruption. Every person thought they were "righteous good" facing off against some incomprehensible "evil". The world was once again leaning towards such dangerous absolutes. Upon reflection I am often reminded that it was truly a strange time, but this is often the way most people think when looking at the past and I am no exception.

Though my formative years were simple and even mundane, they taught me what to seek after, and what to strive for. When my life fell into chaos I turned to my past to push me forward. The dream of normalcy that might one day return to my life ever on my horizons. Everyone has a different path, a different journey, and this story will be the telling of my unique path. There is one more point I must make known; so allow me to say, here and now, plainly for all to understand that I was a faithless young man, and in a way I suppose I still am. From an early age my parents tried to instill in me the catholic faith, to which I rejected completely and rather unceremoniously.

I found the idea of gods utterly idiotic and faith the tool of the weak willed and simple minded. I had many questions that were given simplistic answers and in the age of science these were insufficient. I look back at myself now and wonder how I could have been so foolish, for the signs had been all around if I'd only opened my eyes to them... But even faithlessness is based on some amount of faith, or rather a faith in the lack thereof; and those who question too easily, or question not enough, often never see the picture as it truly is. But the world had yet to reveal such wonders to me. So do not blame my youthful ignorance too harshly, as we all must grow from something. Now that you understand a little about me. Allow me to start at the beginning. This is the tale of Desmond Murphy, The High King of Hell.

~Desmond Murphy, 02/01/2565


Kapowne Kapowne

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