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I am Invincible; Literally [One Punch Man in Marvel] I am Invincible; Literally [One Punch Man in Marvel] original

I am Invincible; Literally [One Punch Man in Marvel]

Tác giả: ManofcultureQ_Q

© WebNovel

Chương 1: How It Feels To Be Invincible

Have you ever wondered...

How will it feel like to be Invincible?

How will it feel to be undefeated in all your fights?

How will it feel to be able to defeat your enemy with a single punch?

If you guys ever thought about that, and want to know the answer to the above questions then let me tell you the answer to that...


It's really boring being Invincible.

I am not saying this just because I 'think' it will be boring.

I am saying this because I 'know' it is boring.

If you become 'invincible', you will lose something very important in return; something which makes you a human being.

Your emotions.

You will lose most of your emotions.

Fear, Tension, Joy, Anger....You won't be able to feel them anymore.

In exchange for power, You will lose something which is essential for a human being.

But that's not what makes it boring, as you will not even mind it that much...

The thing that will make you bored out of your mind would be the fights that you will be a part of.

The fights that will end only in One Punch.

If you were to become so strong, that no matter what kind of opponent you face will feel no different than the previous one as they both took just 'One Punch' to be defeated, the definition of a battle becomes bland in your eyes.

And for a battle junkie such as myself?

It's the worst torture someone could ask for Q_Q.

And Yes; I am saying this because I am strong....

Too strong actually.

No matter what kind of battle I become a part of, it doesn't matter how strong my enemy is, it only takes One Punch.

Just One Punch to beat them.


This is not a story where you will read about a protagonist who strives to become the strongest, nor is this a story where more and more antagonists pops up, who are wayyy stronger than the previous one and proves to be a huge challenge for the protagonist and gives him a massive power-up after every fight....

I am sorry to disappoint you, but this story is none of that.

Because it is my story....

The story of One Punch Man.

ManofcultureQ_Q ManofcultureQ_Q

This is the Prologue for my Story and I hope you guys are going to like my work...

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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