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Tác giả: Golda

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

Táng MingLing walked through the rough terrain of the mountain in the cold winter night. Her belly was slightly big as she was six months pregnant. But what made her walk here alone on the eve of New year like she was a criminal?

It was a masked man in crimson robes who came and warned her that her baby's life will be in danger, so she fled to this secluded place.She could not refuse to believe that man who didn't show her his face but had a gentle  voice and a caring demeanour.

She could see the distant bright lights from the capital city and the Imperial Palace of the Wind Kingdom. The baby's father must be there in the New year's banquet with the Emperor welcoming the New Year.

"Sorry, my dear! I'm sorry I had to do this!", she mumbled and sat in a small cave she found in the dark place as she couldn't move any further.

That's odd! She thought, the sky was bright till now. She looked up to see clouds hiding the moon and the entire place looked gloomy as her heart.

She held her belly as she felt the shooting pain, "Oh, no! The contractions started. But this is too early"

She clutched her stomach and breathed hard when someone appeared beside her. MingLing was in no mood to inquire who that was as that beautiful girl in weird clothes was actually helping her deliver the baby. In a short time she had built a fire, boiled water and also prepared everything she may need.

She gave birth after some time but she couldn't relax after that painstaking ordeal because she didn't hear the baby cry.

That's when a loud gale blew making the sky bright and she could see a bright star near the moon and the baby started crying.

MingLing only relaxed after that and the one who helped her with childbirth gave her the baby, a beautiful little baby girl with raven black hair and obsidian eyes. She was surprised that the dark hair was attributed to the Imperial family but then again, she is related to the Imperial family.

The most striking thing she noted was the symbol of Wang ( 王 ) on the baby's back, like someone had written it with a brush on her back with vermillion ink.

"Jia Xing, I name you Táng Jia Xing", Mingling said and hugged her close to her heart. Mother will protect you!

Golda Golda

Hi, All! I'm new to writing. I'm working on this one just because of my interest in chinese novels, especially historical ones and their costumes. This one has romance, fantasy and some action elements too. Hope you all like it. Also I'm not chinese and this novel is not historically accurate or anything. So I hope everyone reads it for fun.

Please read at least 20 chapters before deciding on this book. You'll definitely love it... Thank you.


Please add my new book🥰 . Let me know what u think❤️

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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