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Marvel : Path to Singularity (Rewrite) Marvel : Path to Singularity (Rewrite) original

Marvel : Path to Singularity (Rewrite)

Tác giả: S_Pandey_0170

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

So I died.


As expected.

I knew that I was destined to die when I killed that piece of garbage. But I don't regret it though. In my whole life, I lived for my family. If I can claim to have had one. You see, my grandparents died even before I was born. And I lost my father when I was 7. He was in the military, but sadly, he died in an enemy attack.

His death hit me and my mother very hard. But my mother put up a tough front for me. She gave up everything to help me and all she asked was that I make her and my father proud. When I graduated from high school, I decided to pursue a career as an engineer.However, due to financial constraints, I was unable to continue my studies after a few years.

During this period, my mother was found to be suffering from cancer. My whole world came crashing down on me. But I did not let it affect me. My mother had supported me once; now it was my turn.

I joined the military with the connections of my father and was easily able to get comfortable, and my discipline, which I got from my father, helped me a lot to become a good soldier. I climbed the ranks quickly, though I did not leave my passion. I studied the mechanisms in my free time. And I learned hacking and coding too.

With the money I earned from my job, I paid for my mother's treatment. And the treatment was successful, which helped me have good sleep at night, though soon I had to go to war with the neighbouring nation. But when I returned after a successful war to meet my mom, I found her dead.

My world started crumbling. I was feeling numb. It awoke the monster in me when I got to know that she was tortured and brutally murdered in cold blood. There was only one thing going through my mind at that moment. REVENGE…REVENGE…REVENGE. I planned my revenge very well, and I succeeded in it.

But I knew that I would die now, as the person who killed my mother was an old rival of my father, and he had a high post in the military. I was waiting for death after I had my revenge.

Even though I accepted that I would die, I was unwilling. All my life, I lived for my family. But I wanted to live for myself for a while.

As I was reminiscing about my past and floating in absolute darkness, which I think is the void, I saw a blinding light coming towards me. As it reached me, I felt so much PAIN.


It was like all my life's pain together multiplied by trillions. My thought started to become a mess and then I blacked out.


You can get access to early chapters on patr*on

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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