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My Servant System My Servant System original

My Servant System

Tác giả: Ketsueki_Hasu

© WebNovel

Chương 1: First Time Readers: READ THIS PLEASE!

So, like the title says, if you are just finding this book now, please read this.

The book started as something I didn't really plan on doing; it was just something interesting to do once a week.

Because of that, it starts off in one style and changes after that. Not only because I grew as a writer, but also because I started wanting to truly write something.

Additionally, it is slow. I know that, and a few people have pointed that out. So, if you want instant action, I'm sorry. As of writing this, I am at Chapter 42, and I have a few more chapters before it becomes more action packed. I just want to let you know that it is, in the beginning, slow. I will come back eventually and update this, but as of current it is a novel more about interactions then action.

(EDIT*: I am now at Chapter 102, and here's the rundown; since chapter 42, the story has picked up, with more action and development between characters. Besides that, once I get my contract finalized, I want to have everything from here to chapter 66 free, since that is the first smut chapter. I feel like the chapters between 42 and 66 are different, since that is when the MC grows up and starts truly doing more than you see in the beginning.

Besides that, if you found this and for some reason didn't read the tags or description, this is a Female Lead Novel, is Yuri (Female x Female relationships), and has Futa (Chicks with dicks), so if that isn't your cup of tea, then it was nice of you to even consider reading this. If you can look past that or try something new, I hope you enjoy.)

(EDIT 2*: Now well into the 200's, and here's a few things that keep getting brought up that I feel I need to clarify.

Kat is a pure woman.

There is a Polyamorous Relationship inside the book; not a Harem, but a group of lovers.

I feel like the writing has improved immensely since then, so the older, starting chapters are much different than the newer ones; no, I am not going back to edit them, since to me they will be something I can go back and laugh at in the future, to point and say 'younger me was so dumb~' and display how far I've come.

Anyways, everything I've stated previously still remains, and I do truly hope you give this a shot!)

So, just think of this as a warning of sorts. If you want something to instantly happen, for action, I apologize.

I hope that you can give it a chance!

Thank you, and please now enjoy the story of Katherine Zara!

Ketsueki_Hasu Ketsueki_Hasu

I hope you enjoy!

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