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PERFECT GIRL: I Do Love You PERFECT GIRL: I Do Love You original


Tác giả: _monrohawrites

© WebNovel

Chương 1: PROLOGUE: U R

I know my destiny is to be with you. I know what is meant to be will always find its way. And eventually, everything connects. Because love is our true destiny. My love, I am ready now...


Despite the work pressure of the staff setting up and preparing for the big concert at the end of the year, I couldn't help but interrupt their rehearsal inside the concert venue.

I carried on going while maintaining a direct gaze toward the group of men I used to love and idolize. However, I was only able to focus on one person.

My first love.

I had a single purpose at the time. I only have one objective, and once I've accomplished it, there is no going back.

It's an opportunity for me to return to him the thing he values the most; the thing that led us to get to know each other, caused us to communicate, and become connected.

Should I decide not to do this, I don't want to look back and regret it. It's no longer something I wish to keep hidden.

"Excuse me." One of the Korean organizers called my attention. "You are not allowed here, miss."

The other staff who were tending the group kept glancing my way. I didn't give up, though, and that attracted Monsta X members' attention.

"Hey, miss. Is there something wrong?" I was politely questioned by Jooheon, who appeared concerned. "We're still rehearsing."

Even though I became deaf from hearing it myself, I called him by his name. And I caught his attention right away. The thing I'm holding, his most valuable possession and the one he had been searching for the longest, caught his eye.

I could see the unexpected emotion in his eyes as he slowly walked down the stage and approached me. He was not looking at whatever I was holding, but only in my eyes. His lips were left slightly parted as if he wanted to say something.

As I watched him walk closer to me, I nervously gulped. We both stared at each other's faces as total silence settled around us.

He then left me with a question, asking, "Is it you?"

_monrohawrites _monrohawrites

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