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Reincarnated in demon slayer as a uchiha. Reincarnated in demon slayer as a uchiha. original

Reincarnated in demon slayer as a uchiha.

Tác giả: Ppp_Pppp

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Info


Flame breathing

First Form: Unknowing Fire - The user charges towards their target at high speeds and unleashes a singular slash that aims to decapitate them.

Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun-The user releases an arching sword slash upwards.

Third Form: Blazing Universe- The user swings their blade downwards in an arc.

Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation- The user swings their blade in a circular motion that is used to defend from incoming attacks or slash multiple targets in one swoop.

Fifth Form: Flame Tiger - The user performs a series of powerful sword slashes that seemingly takes the form of a flaming tiger.

Ninth Form: Rengoku- The most powerful Flame Breathing technique. The user takes a high stance with their sword before dashing forward at high speeds. The technique is powerful enough to completely carve out the ground in its wake.

One of the reasons the mc is black more like light skin, the reasons is simple, ancestor, the sun that is all I'm willing to say or just wait till you arrive at chapter 33title name ancestor.

Also he will be overpowered just not at the start because of everything he will be jugling at the same time,I hope you guys understand

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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