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Shifting (MHA x OP!Fem!Reader) Shifting (MHA x OP!Fem!Reader) original

Shifting (MHA x OP!Fem!Reader)

Tác giả: Hi_Hi_There

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Character Information

This is transferred from my Wattpad account. So if you want to give suggestions, get faster updates, and read my other upcoming books check me out there @Hi_Hi_There

⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ I do not own any of the characters from MHA!!!! The cover of this book I created from a mashup of multiple pictures!!!! Also any art that is in this book is NOT MINE!!!! (unless I make it clear that is is mine)

You have like a dark aesthetic... idk I'm making the character cool and not all that cutesy ig? Also you're gonna be like against physical work and be very artsy and smart. Probably should be in the support class but I'm not going to do that to you guys.... or should I?

I feel like I should add again that this story is best with people with ADHD or they read things super fast. I have ADHD so my writing is rushed but to anyone who also has it it should feel slowed down and normal to read and not tedious. Give me some feedback on that!

I swear my writing gets better in the farther chapters! I'm still learning so with time comes the knowledge that will improve my writing! So please read and vote! ❤️


(Y/N)- your name

(L/N)- last name

(H/C)- hair color

(H/L)- hair length

(E/C)- eye color

(S/T)- skin tone

Age- Before shifting: 15, During shift: 15-16

Zodiac: Aquarius

Height- 5'6" (irl I'm taller than almost all of these characters at a young age... I don't understand why they are all short so we will be short too! Still taller than Midoriya tho)

Quirk- you'll find out in the story (tbh I don't even know yet lol)

First Language- English (you'll understand later)

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Bi (I wanted to have fun 😏)

Aunt- Kei (L/n)

Dad- (D/n) (L/n)

Mom- unknown/unclear

I WILL TRY TO UPDATE FAST SO JUST FOLLOW ME AND WAIT PLZ! (gosh what am I saying?! follow me already smh 🥱)

(oh my gosh no I'm sorry)

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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