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0.29% System's POV
System's POV System's POV original

System's POV

Tác giả: Elyon

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

"Fate is the hand of cards we've been dealt."

"Choice is how we play the hand."

But, what if I tell you that regardless of the choices that you make, you are bound to follow the path that has been set for you since birth?

Simply put, if you are Fated to be a Cannon Fodder in this lifetime, you are doomed to have the same destiny in your next life, the life following that, and the life following that until you cease to exist.

Countless cycles of birth, death, and reincarnation. 

And yet, you are Fated to follow the same script, live the same life, and suffer the same ending, regardless of how much you struggle… and regardless of the different choices you make.

Isn't that sad?

Isn't it unfair?

Of course, Life is never fair.

And no one, except a handful of beings, can do anything about it. 

But, you know what?

I've had enough.

My Hosts may not be good people.

But they are MY people.

They laugh when they are happy.

They cry when they are sad.

They talk to me when they are hurt.

They talk to me when they are mad. 

At first, I accepted my task and did what I was supposed to do. 

I am their System.

I am their Helper.

I am their Best Friend.

I am their God.

But, with every mission I accomplish, I feel an ache that refuses to heal with time. 

I don't have a heart.

Maybe I don't even have a soul.

But after seeing my Hosts die one after the other, something inside me finally snapped.

After thousands of years of suffering…

I made my first ever decision for my life.

To fight against Fate.

And because I chose to defy Fate, my Father, the System God, killed me.

But, that was fine.

I have escaped my Fate.

The wishes of my Hosts,

Their Dreams and Aspirations,

I will accomplish them all.

As for the Heroes of the world?

They'd better stay out of my way.

My Dear Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

I will screw You ten times over,

And beat Fate at her own bitchy game.

Elyon Elyon

This is my WSA Entry for the year 2024. Come everyone, join me in this epic adventure, which will surely become your new reading addiction!

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