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Chương 1: Get your filthy hands off my sister!

"Maya! Trust me, it is seriously not what it seems!!" Lucas shouted, even though he was red handedly caught by me, with my sister; Sofia Parker.

Although he was saying those words, his hands, which were on Sofia's waist, betrayed him and his words.

I couldn't handle the sight of him touching her like that.

I walked forward towards them, as if both of them were stuck there, they didn't move a single inch.

I grabbed his hands and threw them aside. "Keep your filthy hands away from my sister..."

"You have misunderstood-" Lucas started.

I scoffed as both of them looked at me with wide eyes, "Huh! The famous words of a cheater…" 


Just a few hours ago, both of us were together. We had come back from his parent's place and one could say that we had our marriage in talks... Now what was this?

Today, I got an anonymous message asking me to visit room number 909 of Zed Hotel.

I did not want to believe myself but I had a bad feeling about it.

It was very hard for me to have the thought that Lucas might be cheating on me. 

Before going to the Hotel, I had a million thoughts… Maybe he has planned a proposal!? Maybe it is going to be a special night…? Or maybe is he really…. cheating on me?

No. It's just that I-I am thinking too much…

"No Maya wait-" Lucas started but I couldn't bother myself by hearing his useless explanation, "Shut up. Shut up Lucas…"

After so many thoughts  it finally turned out that my boyfriend was cheating on me.....! 

Why is that not a shocker?

It wouldn't have hurt me much if we had a  relationship of just four months but, the  relationship I had with him was of four years!! Freaking Four years!!

Only to end up like this, and not to mention, with my sister in between us. 

All I could say was, "We need to talk. I'm waiting at the restaurant below, let's meet up there." 

Of course we need to talk. I wish that things were easier in life… like if I had just caught him, I could simply leave him-

But that's not the reality, we seriously need to talk and I had to see his face again. This face, which I could see all day long, was now just a burden to watch.

I turned and left the room. I didn't have the courage to look at my sister's face.

So that was the first day where my; Maya Parker's cliché life started…. there is more to come! stay tuned!! 😉

nanoree nanoree

Hey People! This is my first time writing... Thank you for reading till here! Hope to see you on the long run!

I assure you that the chapters will get long, don't worry(^.^)

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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