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The Legend of Ice The Legend of Ice original

The Legend of Ice

Tác giả: awada141

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

Before the creation of the universe, there was nothing but chaos. Pure and utter chaos. And from that chaos was born 8 chaos-verses, later known as the vast universes.

Sometimes, creatures are born from the chaos. One of them was Pangu, a fiend-god that was particularly special. Pangu was born as a world level cultivator. He was given two choices: create a chaos-verse and die, or roam the other chaos-verses and live.

The choice wasn't easy. It took him centuries before he came to a decision regarding his fate. In the end, he decided to create a universe.

While he was searching for a place to make it, he came upon a special and rare object with the shape of a small pyramid. During his travels, he heard about its uses: it was a universe amplifier. Immediately, he knew deep in his mind that this was the right place he had been looking for.

"You shall be called Yggdrasil!" he announced.

Pangu swung his single-bladed axe and struck at the seed. The hit was so powerful that the seed exploded. Rocks began to form around the seed until it created a planet, water surged through this land and created the sea.

But the creation process didn't stop here as two other planets were also created from the explosion: the elemental Fire and the elemental Ice. And so on, nine major realms and countless minor ones formed an enormous world tree.

awada141 awada141

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