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The Sports Day The Sports Day original

The Sports Day

Tác giả: Desire_Of_Ages

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The Sports Day

The Sports Day

Sports day was coming up. The person who won the most sports events got a trophy. Every day I would train for sports day, for running, relays, sprinting, long jump and high jump.

Every day while training I would think about what it would be like to have my very own kitten. I would think about what kitten I would get, what I would call it, what food I would feed it and most of all how playful it would be. I asked my mum and dad if I could get a kitten. They said" No you do not need one."

That night I dreamed about winning the sports day trophy. In the morning I went for a run. I kept thinking about how cool it would be to win the sports day trophy. When I got back I went to school. Miss Tense our teacher said" Lets train together." We did six laps of the school. Before we left our teacher reminded us that tomorrow is sports day. I was excited. When I got home I went for a run.

Finally it was sports day and I was nervous. Mum and dad were watching I was going well. At the end the judges called bout the winner. It was me I had won (hooray!!!)I went to get my trophy. I tripped over a stick and my trophy rolled away. It was hard to find. I found my trophy. It was next to the racing track. The next morning my mum and dad gave me a black ad white fluffy kitten and said "Well done!" I named it Think.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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