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The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol original

The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol

Tác giả: Bitter_Sour_Lover

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol



"Lalala, Uh-Oh! I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes. I know it's love cause I look at you the same way" The power shuts down.

"OMG Carla, stop singing and go turn on the electric generator it's your turn this time"

"On it! Let me grab the flashlight first so I don't slip on the stairs."

"Screw the flashlight hurry and go turn on the electric generator. Fast!! I need to charge my computer and submit my assignment before 10 pm"

"Fine, fine. I can't believe that's how my younger bro talks to me nowadays, you used to be so cute and adorable a few years ago."

As she, walks down to the basement a rat passes by. Suprised, she slips and tries to grab onto the metal bars on the side stairs but ends up grabbing fallen electricity wires as the electricity comes back on.

And this is how she dies.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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