Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 1: Prologe

Our world is a mysterious place where human life tends to discover and invent unimaginable things, but this beautiful place where life is born also generates destruction.

Technology continues to develop at an incredible speed and each new year is superior to the previous one. So sooner or later the ambition of mankind brought about war.

Since there is a competition to develop technology superior to that of other countries, silent wars have been triggered all over the world.

Everyone thought that after World War II, mankind had learned to take care of this planet and rebuild a better world for all life.

But that was only a distant dream.

Instead, now humanity is about to pay the price.

Natural disasters, excessive industrial development and endless competition inexplicably started the global environment.

Disease and famine will eventually blanket this beautiful world.

The air will be filled with high levels of pollution and an all-consuming virus will arrive so fast that humanity will not have a chance to react.

Many babies will not have the chance to be born in good conditions years later and this world, which was considered a paradise, will become the hell of the living dead.

In France, a type of deadly virus that was extremely dangerous is being investigated.

It is not known exactly how hell will begin, where the living dead walk the earth looking to bite humans, but this will be the end of a beginning.

Airon Darcy who came to this world, will work hard to change the course of humanity and create a strong community, for the future of him and his people, he will not touch his heart to accomplish his goals.

Cold and unemotional when it comes to taking out his enemies, he will make an excellent survivor in this world, fighting mercilessly against his enemies while using his allies to get what he wants.

Will he manage to survive the universe of "The Walking Dead"?

That will only be discovered in the future.

SrCuervo SrCuervo

Welcome to the new story, if you want to read more chapters you can visit My P_treon: SrCuervo

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