Aeidail260574 - Profile


LV 15
2017-09-10 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 21

Moments 5


suppressed should be changed to surpassed, his current forming is stronger than the form he had against Belphegor.

Hours passed as Wyatt continued to be in his enlightenment when in the mysterious state. The celestial force on him grew to the point that it broke through the one he was able to access from the Card Realm when in his curse incarnation form fighting against Belphegor. Meaning right now his strength had suppressed that when he was fighting against Belhpegor. Which was just crazy. 

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Games · IGotStones


Need "only" behind "not". It sounds like you are saying he won't get his revenge with that wording currently. Adding only applies that now he isn't getting the one thing but both things.

Wyatt grew enthusiastic, he was here to hatch a revenge plan against Belphegor but it seems today he will not be able to achieve what he set out to do but also find the identities of the other merchants native to the card world. Wyatt felt like he hit the jackpot. 

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Games · IGotStones


Annoying here should be annoyed. Annoyed describes how someone feels. In this case the Gnomes would feel annoyed with Klaus if they knew him. Annoying typically describes how someone acts. Case in point, Klaus is an annoying character.

This was the reason he came to invite him for the mission his father was sending him on. Since he needed someone to provoke a large group of people, the best bet was Klaus. Grey was certain if Klaus had gotten the number of encounters he had with the Gnomes, they would also want him dead due to how annoying he would've made them. 



Fantasy · Springs_Halo


eleven not elven. noticed it in previous chapter as well didn't comment then.

As soon as Wyatt activated the SSS-rank curse Cursed Blood Rejuvenation, Intense, scorching heat radiated from Wyatt's body, transforming his skin into a vivid red shade. His veins bulged and created raised, intricate designs on his flesh, resembling pulsating rivers on elevated pathways. This metamorphosis was also visible on the elven floating heads and elven pair of arms trailing behind him matching his incredible speed. 

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Games · IGotStones


You will find out once you explore the VR-Universe. (I believe)

I did not immediately reply to Aria, instead let out a mysterious smile and said, "You and out once you explore the VR-Universe and won't you?" 

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Games · IGotStones

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