Mytthyw - Profile


male LV 10

What time is it?

2017-06-24 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 9

Moments 94


I do not know*

"I do know what I want to be honest," I replied with an apologizing smile, "If you show me what you have and if some things interest me, then we can have a deal," I said, and she gave me a look, "I would not divulge anything about your collection to anyone," I added after second.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


screw that

There will be a small trade fair between the Tyrants, and we all have to give a few percent of our harvest to Pyramid; it is one of the rules that all Tyrants have to follow.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan

Replied to GoldFingerer

this is gonna be good

In one way, my runes are taking the energy. Though they are not consuming in a whole sense, they are just feeding it to the part of them, which is capable of bending the rules. The runes are feeding the energies to my pseudo bloodline; this part of runes incorporated the rule-bending power the most and could bend some rules in a small way.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


I think he means 300k

The amazing thing is, this isn't my limit; there are still three hundred cells remaining to be filled. If I find especially powerful Elite and filled them with its energy, my strength will increase further, and I will make my name in peak elites.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


shouldn't it be 16x

I am very sure it would fill over half a million cells easily, and these cells would be the ones that have slightly more than four-time space than the original.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan

Replied to Asmov

all of them were not killed by me I only killed 1 while ashlyn killed 2 that is another way you could interpret it

Only one is killed by me, while the other two were killed by Ashlyn; they were Grimm Monsters without bloodlines.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan

Replied to Asmov

you can read it that way or you can read it like he's saying he did not kill all of them just one. tho this a confusing couple of sentences

Only one is killed by me, while the other two were killed by Ashlyn; they were Grimm Monsters without bloodlines.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan

Replied to Doc_Kirby

no I mean that the mom should know that why is she upset

"So, Celestial Inheritance, and you didn't trust your parents enough to tell us about it," My mother said; her voice is soft, and there is no hint of anger that could be seen on her face but I know she is quite angry.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


I'm a bit upset at the teacher here what if Micheal left all of his valuable books at home? what then? there is literally only negatives for not telling him about this.

I looked at the Professor accusingly, who smiled at me mischievously without a hint of an apology in her smile. It would have been better if she had warned me about the system of the Library, I would have been better prepared to deal with it.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


so she has a fox bloodline that would explain the illusion as well as the crafty nature

"Have this one has explained the rules of the Library to you?" The Library spirit asked. To that, I shook my head. "Not surprising. The foxes are always very naughty, never doing the things they should be doing," The Library spirit said as she cast a glance at the Professor before she turned to me.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan



Every second feels like an hour under this powerful soul sense. The only thing I could do is remain static and feed more rule-bending power into the formation, so it could help me invade the soul sense of Elite Tyrant.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


how do they have sensors?

The Ruin is in the control of the Grimm Monsters, and our entry would likely be discovered by their sensors as soon as we enter the Ruin. If I got separated from Professor, then the first few hours would be most dangerous for me; the Grimm Monsters would come at me in doves.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


-_- maybe he should keep if for himself because he is going to the mega dangerous ruin. But I guess he knows he has enough plot armor and doesn't need it

"Protection Amulet! You know I already them," She said as she moved to return the box. "It is not a normal Protection Amulet but the one that works in the highest suppression of Devils Gate without any problem," I said, hearing that she couldn't help but gasp loudly.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan


I don't think this is the move here

I teach the novices who had taken their first step with healing Inheritance; with my expertise and knowledge, I could easily teach the experts, and the teacher wanted me to do that, but I choose to teach the novices with single weakly class for the experts.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan

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