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male LV 5

To grieve deeply is to have loved fully....

2018-08-25 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 5

Moments 42330



"But we still owe you for your help in eliminating the threats of Ares, Hercules, and Iapetus while saving our daughters, the Amazons. If those three were successful in what they wanted to accomplish, then not just the Amazons but the entire world would have been at risk especially with Zeus still missing. Therefore, if there is anything you want, you can ask us. We will try our best to help you..." Hera offered.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


"wait until i become stronger , hoe"

"No, I do understand. I can't complain about being used by someone when I don't even have the power needed to resist being used. Even humans tend to manipulate each other, so of course, gods doing it shouldn't come off too much as a surprise." I weakly shrugged at their words.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"... He is going to hold a grudge," Athena's young adult form muttered with a sigh from the side.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"It isn't as you think, Bruce. Yes, we did cause that lightning storm and force you to crash on the Paradise Islands, but it was only so that we could somehow fulfill the prophecy written by the Fates to kill Ares and Hercules before they could harm the Amazons and destroy the world. Whatever we did, we did for the greater good of not just the Amazons but also the mankind that you want to protect." Artemis was the one to speak up this time as her teenage form tried to explain the motive behind their action.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


no Aphrodite??? shame ...


"We are not angels... sorry if that disappoints you, mortal. I am Hera, the goddess of women, marriage, and family as well as the Queen of the Olympians. To my left is Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare while to my right is Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon." The slightly older woman who identified herself as Hera elegantly introduced themselves.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"Huh, where am I?" I mumbled while surveying my surroundings which surprisingly wasn't much. In fact, there was nothing at all around me except heavy mist and... silvery-white clouds that expertly blocked my vision. 'Wait, don't tell me that I am in HEAVEN... Does that mean I am dead? Did the plan fail?' I mentally muttered to myself in confusion while wondering just how quickly I could make something that would enable me to escape from the afterlife back into the land of the living.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"Quite an... upgrade, I have to say. This new addition will be quite useful... Now, to the more important matters." The former of the Agent Smiths muttered thoughtfully while sizing the other with a grin. "It is time to evict this parasite from here and destroy the corruption before this "disease" spreads any further." He stated with a determined expression as he focused his attention on the bulky figure of Ares trying to strike down the door.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"... I-I w-won't..." Iapetus tried to retort the assailant's words, but he could only mumble a few incomprehensible words before a black glue-like liquid substance completely covered him from head to toe, not even leaving a single inch of his bare skin. A few seconds later, the black liquid slowly contracted back to where it came from which was the freshly made cut in the back of the Titan. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"Don't worry, the pain shouldn't last too long. Soon, you will be one of us. We required psionic energy to resist this parasite invading this mindscape and the... divine psychic energy that you are composed of, should be just enough to fortify this place and make sure that we are powerful enough to not just completely evict this unwanted bug out of here but also be what we are truly meant to be... Agents meant to protect this place and eradicate anyone threatening our creator's mind." The voice explained with pure confidence and disgust audible in his voice, his disgust directed at not just the psychic remnant of Ares but even the Titan itself.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"So, you were strong enough to enter here uninvited?" A stoic, refined voice cut through Iapetus' thoughts as he felt a sharp, thick object impale his back like a blunt blade before he could react. "Well, well, Mr. Iapetus, it seems my luck has turned. Just when I thought we were at a disadvantage, you presented yourself up like a spare battery... Thank you for your generous contribution. My creator will undoubtedly be pleased to hear of this later," the voice menaced, as the blade sank deeper and deeper into the Titan's back. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"What in the name of the cursed pits of Tartarus... is happening here?" Iapetus muttered to himself in disbelief as he looked at the bulky figure trying its best to destroy a huge metal door, its large muscular frame eerily similar to the figure he had just fought a few moments ago in the real physical world, except for the fact that its armor was severely damaged at various spots by some highly corrosive acid that seemed to have originated from the dead bodies of those weird creatures lying around it.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



At the same time I had to figure out a different method of stopping him from spying on me. The answer was simply to employ the squirrels again but this time merely as guards. The psychotic little tree rats were more than happy to keep an eye out in exchange for a daily ration of good food. It was a little pricey to buy this small army of squirrels so much food but I could easily cover that amount with two or three C rank missions.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


to danzo :


You want to talk about unnerving? Imagine hundreds of squirrels spread across about three miles of land all armed with smoke pellets that exploded when thrown into what was basically mustard gas. Now imagine that they are all manically searching for anyone stupid enough to try and spy on my home to use those pellets on, Danzo was pissed. He even went so far as to accuse me of attacking my fellow Konoha ninjas for no reason. -

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro



Calling the man a snake would be an insult to snakes as according to my sensei the guy had no moral line he wouldn't cross if he thought the outcome worth it and that was a low bar to meet for him. My sensei said that he probably heard about my solid clone technique and decided to "acquire" it without letting it reach the village, out of greed most likely. Knowing this I quietly made a deal with all the squirrels living in the forest that if they found anyone spying on my home and they pelted them with some of my specially made smoke pellets I'd give the squirrel who did it some good food.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro

Replied to JustHavinFunReadin


"That's what he claims anyway," Sakura said derisively, "but what could be more important than saving Sasuke. We're running out of time."

Naruto: The Erotic System

Naruto: The Erotic System

Anime & Comics · PenDora_Box



Obviously, Tsunade at this age didn't expect that she would be so big in the future.

Naruto The Thunder Calamity

Naruto The Thunder Calamity

Anime & Comics · Gustina_Kamiya



It's okay, I will cheat, well... it can't be called cheating, after all, it's only cheating if it's discovered.

Naruto The Thunder Calamity

Naruto The Thunder Calamity

Anime & Comics · Gustina_Kamiya



Of course, deceiving a Sannin isn't so simple, but I wasn't deceiving, just showing one aspect of my character. Moreover, common interests, albeit approached differently, bring people closer. And it's necessary to be friends with Jiraiya or at least maintain friendly relations — one of the strongest Leaf shinobi will be useful in any case.

Red Nara

Red Nara

Anime & Comics · l_legolas



"The book is suitable for times of peace, when ordinary people can contemplate the meaning of life and the concept of peace on a full stomach," I shook my head, "during war, nobody will burden their minds with additional problems, people need something light and simple to distract them from difficulties. For example, porn novels."

Red Nara

Red Nara

Anime & Comics · l_legolas



For a moment my brain shut down, overheating. If this were a manga, I wouldn't have gotten away with losing a measly liter of nosebleed! I handed the pictures to a grinning Jiraiya and swore in my heart that I'd stop at nothing to get Tsunade into my bed. Hell, Dan was a jerk to die and leave a pretty girl like that alone!

Red Nara

Red Nara

Anime & Comics · l_legolas

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