FSH_Fu - Profile



female LV 15


2018-09-30 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 58

Moments 294


huh? it wasn't switched babies with Su family. they found her in the river. what story is this bird spinning?


Little Kingfisher didn't give up, "If the impostor is grateful it's fine, but what if they encounter an ungrateful and unfilial wretch? Not only did they raise her for nothing, but they can't even recognize their own daughter, wouldn't that be a tragedy in life?"

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

General · Ting Lan Listening to the Rain


to it

As for the poison that was fully premating the area, they were completely and utterly invulnerable to is. With their Qi barriers constantly erected, the poison couldn't even penetrate through them.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako



As for the poison that was fully premating the area, they were completely and utterly invulnerable to is. With their Qi barriers constantly erected, the poison couldn't even penetrate through them.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


the merchant is selling his wares, not wears

As much as I wanted to use my own personal poison, it was against the rules, all I could do was make poison from the wear that he was selling. So I rapidly assembled a cannister that had this liquid form of poison and added several inscriptions around it. I then placed a small Saint Qi crystal on top of the cannister which will act as a detonator for it.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


It's awkward to say cascading waterfalls cascade...etc. It may be better to say something like cascading waterfalls grace steep cliffsides, etc. Or instead of grace, adorn or even rush down? Something like that instead of repeating cascading/cascade.

Each island is a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship, suspended in the air like jewels adorning the crown of creation. Verdant forests blanket the undulating landscapes, their emerald canopies swaying gently in the whispering breeze. Cascading waterfalls cascade down sheer cliffsides, their crystalline waters shimmering in the golden light of the sun.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


taken, not took

"There is a teleportation gate in the center of the sect, it is primed and ready, many cultivators had already took it and left for the tournament we're one of the very few left," he said.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


swaths of land, or swathes, both spellings work.

I let that sink into their heads, after all, these tribesmen were born in peril and danger and had to adapt, if you were to throw them in the overworld they'd dominate great swats of land with ease.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


shouldn't that be general of the west?

Dwei then shouted, "Dragon Squad!" and suddenly a group of ten people arrived in our presence, they were fully decked out in the general of the east's premium armor. The quality of their Qi and their overall cultivation level was incredible, to say the least.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


I think it's supposed to be prowess

The pain was enough for a person to faint, but I bit through the pain and trusted my regenerative prows.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako



The small spider raised one of its legs in salute and grabbed the pills and jumped into the sewers.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


that is adorable

The small spider raised one of its legs in salute and grabbed the pills and jumped into the sewers.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako

Replied to LordofRavens

no, I think it's supposed to be prowess.... hasn't gotten it right yet in a single chapter......

"You've come to prove your worth and power, but with your ability to neutralize poison, you've been given an unfair advantage. Thus, I must seal your prows until this trial ends."

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako



After we headed back, we found that the disciples already set up camp. Some were practicing and some were meditating, tomorrow's event was going to be a great opportunity to prove one's prows and gain 'Face' for their sect. So everyone was excited and anxious at the same time.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako



"Your Qi, it's demonic, I felt it the moment we met. But you, for some reason have very little control over your Demonic Prows. Though you can use it, you are not tuned to it. This manual will allow you further understanding of Demonic Qi and its application. But I doubt you can fully understand or use it," she said.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako



"Yet, what made them fearsome was not their battle prows, but their ability to blend in with the shadows, and their ability to work and function as deadly guards to that family's treasure room. Dark Beasts when raised right can recognize one owner for life, and will give their lives for the owner. Once given a command they will take it to the limit of their ability or the extent of their lives. They are forever loyal, and extremely smart. Their bodies can grow almost infinitely strong by consumption of powerful heavenly treasures. Yet their glaring weakness remains as creatures that cannot sustain sunlight. If only they were not weak to this element, they would have been a force to be reckoned with in battles.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako

Replied to LordofRavens

pretty sure it was supposed to be prowess... they haven't gotten it right yet, and they really seem to like this word......

I read about the creature and all of its habits, food diet and even its prows. It wasn't that strong but it was dangerous for a beginning cultivator. I'm still surprised I managed to survive that encounter, but it was all thanks to Poison God's Heritage.

Poison God's Heritage

Poison God's Heritage

Eastern · Biako


is he going to meet himself in the future? a version of himself from 2176?

"We judged our chances of surviving greater if we integrated your living conscience into our artificial one. Therefore, we downloaded your conscience into the artificial body and merged our two consciences."

Rise Of The Human God Of War

Rise Of The Human God Of War

Sci-fi · Galanar



Such a fact made a strange feeling well up in his heart, but he chose to ignore that as well. 

Void Evolution System

Void Evolution System

Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead


neither. he was toying with you, like a cat with a mouse.

[Oppa tried to convince me to leave my penthouse as if he knew something would happen. Was it just a coincidence that today was the last day of the audition he wanted me to try so he asked me to "play" with him? Or did he really try to save me?]

My Life As The First S-Class Guide

My Life As The First S-Class Guide

Urban · sola_cola

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