MELIKEREADING_6533 - Profile


LV 3
2021-05-26 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 3

Moments 8


Why 😅

My parents were both dead. My father was a knight in Winterfell serving Lord Stark and died in service while saving his life. My mother was a servant in the castle serving the Lord's family, but she passed away six months ago from a fever. And most importantly, my name is Aermir Drasil.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903


Finally, a motive for the character. I’d like to say as an edit is to flesh out more about his fear of changing the future. Not full on angst but at least an understanding at that point. This clears up where the character wants to go now.

As he caught the train he tried to organize his thoughts better, for what he was planning on doing in the future now. What his goals were. He wanted to be stronger, to protect himself and the people that really mattered to him. He wanted to be able to have a safe and stable future.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean


I like to first off, this is a wonderful story, where the character interaction is very rich as well as the MC being an actual character rather than a machine for plot convenience, making his own path and making it an enjoyable adventure to follow. Writing Quality (5) - The grammar and spelling is great for a WebNovel/fanfic, with easy enough flow that makes it easy to read and follow along with what’s being said. I can tell a good amount of effort went into its construction and is much appreciated. Updating Stability (4) - I’m neutral about this. As of October 31st, 2023, its been 2 months since update, but I don’t know what the normal schedule is. Story Development (3) (I’m willing to change this if someone can change my mind) - This one I’m a bit unsure of as well. I don’t get the purpose of the MC in the story anymore. Gaining power is good and all, but where is this leading and why did he start in f the first place? At some point, he achieves his goal of becoming powerful, but then what? The original reason I can make out is that he did all he did was to survive, but he reaches a point that he has the luxury of not worrying about it too much. What motivates him, or what is a goal that he is aiming for now. It’s the same reason why Ichigo sort of fell off in Bleach. He was still cool but his only purpose was to become powerful enough to protect his friends and family, but as the plot led further and further away from that to dealing with all powerful enemies dangerous to the world, he doesn’t fit well anymore because his motivations haven’t changed to fit where the narrative is taking the audience. Character Design (5) - This is the one I know for sure. The MC is an ASSHOLE, but an interesting one, and hilarious. I may not like him personally, but he is definetly well written, personalitywise. All the characters are interesting and are rich with their own personality, making the interactions between each other fun to read about. It’s great to laugh along with their banter or as they try to kill each other. The author doesn’t get caught up in trying to write everything about the character that sort of bloats a story. This is one of the greatest strengths of this story. World Building (2) - That said, I would say that unless you know the background of the different anime and manga that the author uses or references, you will get lost in the details of what they are trying to portray. They try to compensate by giving their own background on it, which is appreciated, but the concepts are a bit too high level to fit into a single chapter. It was easier in the beginning as not to many worlds were involved as well as it being a simpler story at the time, but with the addition of higher conceptual powers and the power scaling needed to add a challenge for the characters, it sort of drops off, using the audience’s previous anime/manga knowledge as a crutch.

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