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LV 4

Just a lazyboi exploring the wonders of the internet through fanfics....

2021-09-20 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 13536


It wouldn't be Sara without "drinking" in her profile.

"You know drinking like that will ruin your health right?", The man said. With his tall stature, he shifted his body, and looked down at the woman beside him, who appeared to have just turned twenty this last year or so. In fact, Sara had just turned twenty-one. Here in Zemuria, becoming an adult and earning the right to drink alcohol happens when one turns twenty. So it hasn't been that long since Sara was exposed to drinking beer.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Seems Sherryl didn't dope hard enough for steam to come out of the dojo. A shame indeed.

But presently, the street here was mostly vacated. The happenings of the street were more centralized, with a popular bakery being at its center, and beyond that, the Vander Dojo, to which currently had loud, muffled sounds leak outside. Still, it would seem the people  nearby were used to hearing such noises. A couple of them did have interest in what was happening beyond the closed doors, but as they didn't personally have plans to head inside. The people walking around the street just watched on, or continued walking to where their destinations were.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


"Hunting mode" doesn't sound omnious at all...

Roselia too, watched on, but her eyes were currently displaying two vertical slits, appearing to be in hunting mode. Her eyes solely landed on Naoto, who launched spell after spell against Sherryl, sometimes adding spells on top of each other, or quickly casting one after another, to which Sherryl would successfully dodge over half of them. Apart from the clashing sounds of battle, the small explosions caused by Naoto's magic soon fell on deaf ears.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Let's not forget the most important factor of all, they unfortunately aren't a Trails main character.

And as for the girl he was fighting, she had already accepted a master, and had no plans to accept another. He guided her these last couple years, which allowed the girl to find her footing in what she wanted to achieve, and had found the path she is now walking on. The students watching this spar didn't know this, but guests Naoto brought along did.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Few minutes, but lasted mutiple chapters. A classic trope indeed.

Naoto's spar with Sherryl began shortly before the top of the hour. A few minutes had passed since Naoto's initial clash against Sherryl started. Several swings and fists pummeled against each other, grunts, and hissing noises created a cacophony of sounds that echoed throughout the entire hall. Every single person present inside the training hall didn't let their eyes gaze off the fight. In one instance, the two would be in one corner of the fighting platform, and in the next, they would reappear at the opposite end.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht

Replied to Alexander_Ervin

The Shinobu, who is also a vampire, from the Monogatari series.

All of us held a giant celebration afterward, stuffing our faces while I watched Roselia get drunk, which to be honest, I didn't think she was actually a drinker. So seeing her behave like this was a sight to behold.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Grimms do have the ability to sense emotions, particularly negativity. Perhaps this one just has an advanced way to interpret what you're thinking by just the emotions you're showing. I find it to be a more fascinating take on the trope of creatures understanding what you're saying.

Perhaps it could. After all, this was a famous 'Ancient Grimm'- creatures of darkness that are very old. So ignoring its power, perhaps it learned something over the years? Maybe it developed a consciousness beyond primal instincts and learned human language? 

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


As said, forgetting what makes you, you, is a fate even worse than death. Although I'm sure such choices will lead to interesting complications in the future, along with some sweet suffering for you personally, Adam.

Well, it doesn't matter in the end, he supposes that he will eventually get used to it, or he would just stop caring to maintain his humanity because... he just isn't just a human anymore

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


Poor Rimuru, not even a bed for her when she eventually comes back from her information gathering.

Entering the cabin, the silver-haired boy saw two beds, one red, and one white, they were roughly about ten centimeters apart- not close, but also not far apart. 

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


Lol, weren't the both of them comparing Jojo characters a few days ago?


Adam said, turning his back to the red-haired girl who was already engrossed in a manga titled 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure'.

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


To become unchained by everything is to become nothing. One could consider it to be a fate worse than death, for it's ultimately individuality that make something. So, try not to lose yourself when the time eventually arrives, Adam...

If, and really, if somebody was perfect... What would that look like? Would they have no emotions? Not really, otherwise, AI would already be perfect. Would they be nothing at all? Would they be everything? 

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores

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