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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

ch 50 Chapter 50: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 13, Kirstie’s Dom... Kirstie’s Lover

Kirstie's Tale

Kirstie's Tale

General · Simone Leigh


Doesn't mean that being kidnapped is a valid option

"Diana, then, what exactly do you object to? According to my report, you have no close living family. Very few friends. No current love interest. No pets. You hate your job. You hate your apartment. Your romantic fantasy confessed to an online acquaintance consisted of a tall, dark stranger sweeping you off your feet and taking you away from it all. So let me ask you, what has Kor done that you object to so strenuously?"

Alien Mate

Alien Mate

Sci-fi · Eve Langlais


Oh the crime.... ahwait... the crime is male walking around without a leash so we as female can walk around feeling safe from them.

"What? But that's preposterous," said Kor, appalled at the thought of thousands of females roaming around without the guiding hand of a male.

Alien Mate

Alien Mate

Sci-fi · Eve Langlais


totally honesty but their Dom )both) are hidden things from then...right.

"What? I'm your best friend and he made you cry. I was never as proud as I was when I saw you standing up to him and that twit that he was with. Besides he should have known better than to keep something like that away from you, this lifestyle is all about total and complete honesty. If you can't trust your Dom then it will never work," she ended on a serious note.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


Lol and his lawyers the court didn't comumunicate? I got a police officer in my door so to give notice to my brother that his ex wife was a no show in the hearing to in the court relating to the audience about their daughter and my brother no longer love with us... i imagine he being a known big shot in business is easier to contact

"You see I signed those papers and returned them. I thought that part of my life was over. Until she popped in the other day out of the blue and told me the papers were never filed properly and we were still married. My private investigator is looking into that one. But along with that she also informed me she would not be filing for divorce again anytime soon."

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


isnt'the cheating his wife? because I am pretty sure that marriage involves signing a document also

"I have not, nor will I ever, cheat on a woman that I've made a commitment to. When I signed that contract that was a major fucking commitment. I know my wife is in the picture right now. But I can assure you it is only temporary and my commitment to her was over a long time ago. Now, it's just paperwork," he insisted.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


She is an idiot...

He was using his Dom voice even though his eyes were clouded and troubled. The submissive in me immediately responded to my Master's troubles. I wrapped my arms around him and laying my head on his chest. I felt his head sit on the top of mine. I could hear him take a deep breath in and out as if having me in his arms was giving him strength. We pulled back slowly until he could grasp my chin and lowered his head down to plant a gentle kiss on my lips. I felt myself unwittingly melt into him and as if that was a signal to him, he set me away from him and nodded seemingly satisfied.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


I don't remember learning that move in business class

Meredith widened her eyes when she saw his fingers in the coffee. Without thinking she grabbed his burned fingers and put it inside her mouth.

The Taste of Seduction

The Taste of Seduction

Fantasy · Chichii


Or she could not buy anything and order I line or go to another shop lol

"No, Mia. You don't understand. These ladies have been informed they are not allowed to take your money under any circumstances. So, you can either go along with it or you can put everything on my own tab. That's what Lizzie does. I'm not here to argue with you, I'm just telling you about your options," he said with a smug look on his face.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


Wife...not ex. you are the mistress Mia ...

I rubbed my temples, feeling a bit of a headache coming on. I wondered, not for the first time, if I had made the right decision about keeping things going with him even though I knew he was in the middle of something with his wife... or ex-wife.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


Cheaters will always be cheaters

"Look, Nina. I said I'd be home as soon as I could. I'll call you when I'm on my way and until then keep your plans. Do not let me interrupt your life. I'll talk to you later, bye," he finished.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


Chrissy also wanted to.... lool the motive is the only difference

His words reminded me why I was against doing this in the office. I pushed harder against his chest, showing him that I was completely serious about getting up. Finally, with a huge put-up sigh he let me go. If people found out about this, they would assume I was no better than Chrissy. Was I any better? Yes, I told myself firmly as I began to pull my pants back on. Chrissy slept with her boss to advance her position; I was sleeping with my boss because I wanted to.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane



"A far better reception than I had anticipated. Thank you, pet," he said smugly.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane


Apparently the contract was really only to her to ask permission lool

That jump-started me into action. Racing through my shower, I was in and out in record time and was sitting drinking my coffee waiting for the phone to ring. I sat in my towel on my vastly uncomfortable kitchen chairs all the while calling myself a million times the fool for even listening to him much less obeying him.

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

General · Leann Lane

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