Webnovel Author: Sudoku - Fanfic Collection



LV 14

I guess I’m a writer now

2018-02-27 Joined Canada

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Moments 282

Replied to Gabbu_Xul

That’s actually a great idea for that storyline tbh. I already have something that works with my conspiracy, but this is such a good idea that I’d use something similar if I didn’t have plans already

How was that possible? Was there a blood Feud? Did they get targeted intentionally or something similar? And even if they were, who was powerful and ambitious enough to pull this off, especially this covertly?

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to Gabbu_Xul

Yup good catch. Il edit it <3

Regarding Natsai, she intended to stay at Hogwarts for the foreseeable future, both to teach Luna, as her newest apprentice, and to spend time with Jordan. At least that was her excuse…. Truthfully, she also intended to keep a watch over her oldest mentor, to ensure he dealt with the Voldemort problem.

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to Gabbu_Xul

Ya I kinda want to play with that storyline a bit tbh. Feel like there’s a lot more to explore with the engram.

***** Bonus Chapter ***** A/N: OK so I basically marathoned the past day and finished my 2nd playthrough of cyberpunk lol.... Then passed out for another day LOL.... And wow that Alien isolation thing in cynosure really fucked with my nerves lol... and like i even though I don't really like songbird, I totally sympathize with her, and really wanted to kill her off to save her from myers..... Still ended up saving her to get the new ending of course, but like... After watching it, I almost wish I hadn't. Like there really are no happy endings in night city huh.

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to LongSongGolden

It was actually very surprising to me just how many common names there are the past few generations, when I looked it up researching for this chapter.

"Funny enough... I actually knew a Sirius Black! He was a third year Slytherin when I was previously in school!"

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to Cathulhu

Working on it now actually. Should happen before the third task

But ya, on a larger note, Now that the beginning is properly set, with canon events running and a unique mystery involving Khan and his best friends, it's Time to progress the story. We got lots to get to, and that's before all the mysteries start ahaha

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to Trald

The wolves are Mongrels and are actually magical beasts. Not regular canines. But I probably could’ve clarified that a bit better so my bad lol

In fact, in all his adventuring and exploring during his previous year at Hogwarts (and he explored a lot, traversing most places in the surrounding area), Khan didn't recall seeing a single wild dog, or even wolf, present in any area. 

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to Your_name123

Ya always wanted to explore what happened to it afterwards. But nobody really got into it or wrote a story for it. I’m sure the next game will, but I didn’t want to wait that long lol

That being said, I do have wider plans for an extended HP AU, complete with new power levels and enemies. It is slowly getting introduced in my current chapters (chapter 70, now that canon has been adequately established. So if you can make it past the world blending and lengthy introduction chapters, I promise the story gets better and more intriguing. Humbly speaking ofc ahaha. *****

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to LongSongGolden

That’ll be a future point of contention

From his numerous stories of combat against all the numerous Goblins, poachers, and magical beasts, to his vast combat experience teaching them previously unknown tricks such as Spell combinations, each and every visiting student eventually wished to learn from and take lessons from Khan.

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

Replied to Klovnen

I've been thinking about it a lot more lately. Especially playing my way through the expansion..... NGL i even have a rough prologue written out for fun LOL... But I Don't really know the Cyberpunk world as well as I do the Harry Potter one, so I'd Probably have to do a lot more research for that story. Maybe after I get this story rolling again I'll try my hand at it.

***** BONUS CHAPTER ***** A/N: One thing I missed out on while sick, was The release of the new Cyberpunk expansion..... So I've been marathoning through the game. And ngl, this story has me by the gut..... Always had a thing for spy thrillers, but all the little twists and backstories have really got me thinking creatively about a lot of different storylines. ***** 

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

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