Webnovel Author: SnowPenguin - Novel Collection



female LV 3

I'm a person who likes both to read and write in my free time as well as draw on occasion, even if I suck at it. I hope to become at least a half decent author, and I hope that you will like my work.

2020-06-01 Joined United Kingdom

Badges 4

Moments 144

Replied to TheSeagull

I'll be honest. I like the fact that you were so willing to go in and point out what I did wrong, and it honestly kind of hurt a bit too, because I did draw on my own personal background. I was operating in Eastern Fantasy, but did, on purpose, deviate from standard tropes to lean more into historical and modern tropes of Eastern stories, including my own personal Eastern background, even if it's not Chinese. There was an Eastern Setting with this from the ghosts, references to the underworld, the resentful energy monster, the one Huli Jing that turned up in one scene, the Gods, the Jade Emperor, and the main character was intended to be a quarter God himself, through his father who was going to be revealed to be a half God. As for the backstories, I mostly relied on tropes and was banking that any potential readers would already be familiar with the archetypical characters of the genre, as I was planning to just bend those stereotypes and then reframe them, by removing them from familiar contexts of some wealthy, highly stratified household into one where normal harsh social boundaries cannot exist if everyone is poor and it makes no sense to keep them if survival is being risked. Take the mother, in any other context, she would be the scorned wife, a power player who got what she wanted, at first, with a son, but was then stuck as her son turned out useless, in her opinion. Her actions make sense and are rooted in her own tragic backstory, which implies some dark shit, because she's essentially rendered a pawn for the Gods to use and only there to sire a son, and then be discarded. The entire point of her was to pass down an early example of the cycle of war and abuse, for the MC to later on decide to deny ever passing that down and choose to suffer to do the right thing, after running away at every opportunity to stand up and do better without anything to gain. His mother was going to be fridge horror personified, as she was forced to marry a man, for knowing too much and then give birth to a son, and then an additional unnecessary daughter. She does get some sort of redemption and an acknowledgement of the verbal and physical abuse that she forced her children through, with a small reconciliation, but ultimately, she was there to show that judgements made without full information can be unfair, humanity is flawed, and that even those first seemingly evil have their own reasons. She was also the one who was going to be the weapon levelled against the Gods for their own sins, as the comparison to be drawn, with her being the only character to do so as the most traditionally socially useless character. Women don't matter outside of their reproductive capabilities, and once a woman has had a son, she's essentially rendered useless in terms of providing a purpose. Sure she has favour, but there's no one to give her favour if there is no husband, so she's accomplished nothing then, forced, in high society, to retreat to being alone and taking up unobtrusive hobbies, but she's poor here, so she's got even less social value. To make her better in terms of character, as she recognises where she has gone wrong, while the Gods do not, was always meant to be an insult towards them, and a deliberate upsetting of the social hierarchy. Her husband was actually alive the entire time and was simply following mindlessly orders from the Heavens to do what needed to be done, which was supposed to be explain our MC's weird behaviour towards his father's death, as he was supposed to sense what was actually going on. The God of Deception, in the restaurant, was the MC's father, and the MC was eventually going to become the God of Knowledge and Husband of Death itself. A lot of early issues were planned out to resolve themselves by the end of the story as more of the plot gradually unfolded and make sense by the end, with a lot of the subtext only possible to read if there was a pre established background in the genre.


The work is well written and well paced with a compelling main character and plot. The work is still in it's early stages, but it's shaping up to be good.

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The story is immensely well written with the only criticism being that some paragraphs need to be broken up to become smaller. I have to say, the first line of the book description made me laugh.

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