Webnovel Author: Storyteller_0 - Novel Collection



male LV 4

Love reading, and writing, nothing else, what else do you want to hear on a reading app?

2020-07-03 Joined United States

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Moments 1780

Replied to Medic_o_Loki


The most convenient feature of the Watcher Instrument was its Nano-Transforming ability. They could be combined with each other to become a larger caliber floating cannon or shield, and they could also be turned into a hand-held cannon. The Watcher Instrument could even transform into battle mode, turning into a Berserk Ape mechanical suit. Each of the miniature plasma arc reactors would continuously supply the mechanical suit for a wide range of uses.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


He’ll literally be an intergalactic gorilla, instead of jumping building to building, it’ll be spaceship to spaceship, wrecking havoc.

The new mechanical suit was extremely powerful, and it met Han Xiao's expectations. His mechanical suit was finally stronger than his own body, and its damage was also powerful. Furthermore, with the intergalactic engine that he had built into it, it was akin to a one-man spaceship. He would be able to attack battleships in an intergalactic battle. It was an extremely useful function.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia

Replied to PrimusxPilus


The Void Dragon had already been destroyed, and the only thing left of it was the core material, Void Dragon Bone. Han Xiao merged a new blueprint that was of a higher grade and was prepared to construct a new and more powerful battle suit to keep up with his Calamity Grade strength.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


So essentially an invisibility skill that allows extreme ability of sensing surroundings? Sounds extremely practical.

He then tried out the other two talents. [Void Vision - Observer] utilized his chaos body that could phase between the void dimension and the physical world. This was unlike [Void Travel], where time was almost static. When he utilized this ability, time flowed as per normal, but he could hide within the gap to observe changes in the outside world and with a larger field of vision.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia



[Eye of the Void]: 42% Compatibility

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


Mind Crush!


This scene caused Degulish, Terry, Ember, Nagakin, Hila, and the players to suffer from near mental breakdowns, their eyes bulging open with an expression of shock.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


Was looking for a picture by couldn’t find it, had to outsource it to google… "Oh heck yeah dogpile!"


This was closely followed by the mechanical soldiers throwing themselves on Han Xiao, on top of the portable defense fortress, using their bodies as shields. They also activated their own shields and faced the sky.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


The only way to counter such a foe is to have some counter to their healing or to do so much damage in a second that you blitz their health down to zero.

Wiping the blood off the corners of his mouth, Han Xiao stood up once more. His clothes were covered in bloodstains, and after wiping off the dust off his body, he suddenly flashed a smile, as though he was full of energy.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia



The scraps and broken parts lying around all connected to each other, buzzing with a loud noise.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


Shouldn’t he be careful with that Void Dragon suit? He only has one and for it to lose its quality is not good in the long run.

Han Xiao took a breath as he checked his status. His HP was still at eighty-two percent, his energy having just returned to full. However, his mechanical suit had sustained quite a bit of damage and was already at eight percent durability, activating its skill [Indestructible Toughness]. This gave him some immunity, but he needed to receive damage to his body to activate [Energy Absorption].

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


Welp, the original energy to heal skill is useless now(if memory fails you, the one when he drank the longevity potion).

Bringing a knife to his arm, he drew out a thin line of blood. Han Xiao recalled the sense of control, urging his cells into action. The energy from his cells rapidly repaired the damaged cells around the wound, and the wound disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


Huh, shouldn’t they have discovered that one in Andrea?

The spaceship wreckages that the mercenaries had collected brought him sufficient materials. As such, he began to repair the spaceships that he had captured, and he was about eighty percent done. While repairing those spaceships only gave him a little bit of experience, it was better than nothing at all.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia

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