Webnovel Author: SilverSkyla - Novel Collection



LV 11

I'm silver, I love writing also reading to improve my knowledge and understanding, please support me by reading my book thankscheck out my book: Mr Billionaire falls in love with contract

2023-01-05 Joined Nigeria

Badges 8

Moments 90

Replied to Clandestined_Quinn

Thanks for reading anyways

Replied to Clandestined_Quinn

Thanks dear

Replied to Sunshine_Allheart


Understanding the underlying message conveyed through their unwavering stares, Ziyu finally realized what was happening he couldn't believe they allowed him to taste such a thing he couldn't bear to call such food it would b a disgrace he couldn't describe what he had just tasted.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to Javabean88

I understand

Replied to Melanie_Salerno

Well it’s her first time and she’s didn’t study it so it was quite hard for her

Fortunately, Hayley spoke Chinese and immediately stepped in as a mediator. She introduced herself in Chinese, "Ni hao, wo jiao Hayley, ni ne?" which meant, "Hi, I'm Hayley, what about you?" Stacy was relieved to have found someone who could understand her.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to maelstrom143

Yeah right 😂😂

Meanwhile, Outside the door, Mr. Qin stood frozen, his heart constricting with each word that reverberated through the door. As he overheard Stacy's firm denial of any affection towards him, a veil of icy numbness enveloped him.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to maelstrom143


Yuan yuan had a very jealous look on her face, seeing how Mrs Feng always praises her daughter.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to Rita_Wilson_8566

I didn’t mean it like they were close, I meant it in terms of how she alway saw how he always treated Stacy

But his features remained impassive, devoid of the warmth she had once known. At that moment, she realized the magnitude of her mistake.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to Jamsl13

Yeah it includes

She had graduated as one of the top medical students from Cambridge University in England and had become a successful Cardiologist Surgeon after a few years of practice.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to j38kim

He has been discharged

Seated in his study, surrounded by the weight of unaddressed emotions, Mr. Lu delved into the files scattered across his desk, seeking refuge in the mundane tasks of daily life. The rhythmic hum of his thoughts was interrupted by a knock at the door. Raising his head, he granted entry with a simple "come in."

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to Azure_Dragon720

His ful name is Qin Mo for short is Mo’er

Mr Qin just sat without even speaking to his father as he raised his eyes to look at the gorgeous lady before him. It dawned on Stacy that Mo'er had never mentioned his father's presence tonight; otherwise, she would have dressed more appropriately for such an important encounter.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to Azure_Dragon720

It’s a one time description of her room, it has to be wroth it

The room was a symphony of white, an ode to purity and simplicity. But it was more than just a color scheme;

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to Clandestined_Quinn

Stacy is her English name she gave her self her real name is Feng Bai

But her relief was short-lived, shattered by the news flashing on her phone screen. The Qin Group's announcement of Mr. Qin's engagement to Feng Bai hit her like a sledgehammer.

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

Urban · SilverSkyla

Replied to HeavenlyMike


Thought this was just a normal medieval world...until 2 years ago when my mom performed a healing spell on me...….then there are the birds I see on the window every morning…..two pairs of wings is bizarre....And I've occasionally peeped through my father's pantry where they keep the harvested crops from the farm and I've noticed a display of swords hanging on the wall and a whole bunch of war gear.....so settling everything and concluding that…..



Fantasy · HeavenlyMike

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